I am trying to launch ModelSim from a file because I need to launch three separate ModelSim at the same time.
I created the file pre_compile.sh:
but when I call the file. / pre_compile.sh it compiles the files .vhd but ModelSim will not start.
I think the problem is with the symbol &
Is there any solution that can help me?
I am trying to launch ModelSim from a file because I need to launch three separate ModelSim at the same time.
I created the file pre_compile.sh:
vlib work
vcom Digital1101.vhd Digital1111.vhd NOT_rsvd.vhd
vsim -foreign "simlinkserver solaris32/liblfmhdls_gcc412.so;-socket 5678"-novopt Digital1111 &
vsim -foreign "simlinkserver solaris32/liblfmhdls_gcc412.so;-socket 5679"-novopt Digital1101 &
vsim -foreign "simlinkserver solaris32/liblfmhdls_gcc412.so;-socket 5680"-novopt NOT_rsvd &
but when I call the file. / pre_compile.sh it compiles the files .vhd but ModelSim will not start.
I think the problem is with the symbol &
Is there any solution that can help me?