learning python, using string help



hi all,

I have a simple snippet I am trying to keep the format the same as
plain text, though I want to embed it in html ...


print "Content-type:text/plain\n\n";
getrup = os.popen('ruptime').read()
print getrup

is the same format as if I ran 'ruptime' from the command line.

If I use...

print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
getrup = os.popen('ruptime').read()
print getrup

I can just split the lines and loop through it ... but I am not sure
how to keep the tab spacing the same
I'm sure its something so simple I am missing ....

thanks for helping someone learning..

Paul McGuire

hi all,

I have a simple snippet I am trying to keep the format the same as
plain text, though I want to embed it in html ...


print "Content-type:text/plain\n\n";
getrup = os.popen('ruptime').read()
print getrup

is the same format as if I ran 'ruptime' from the command line.

If I use...

print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
getrup = os.popen('ruptime').read()
print getrup

I can just split the lines and loop through it ... but I am not sure
how to keep the tab spacing the same
I'm sure its something so simple I am missing ....

thanks for helping someone learning..
What about :

print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
print "<pre>"
getrup = os.popen('ruptime').read()
print getrup
print "</pre>"

The <pre> tags indicate that the enclosed text has been pre-formatted.
Otherwise your tabs will get collapsed out by HTML.

-- Paul


Well, I did want to add some formatting for example

STATUS = "up"

getrup = os.popen('ruptime').read()
show = getrup.splitlines()
gethost = show[0]
hostname = gethost.split()
print hostname[0]
getstatus = hostname[1]

if getstatus.find("STATUS"):
print STATUS
print "<font color='RED'>HOST DOWN</font>"

I think that will convey what I am attempting.

I know that is sloppy, but I am learning ..
Thanks for your patience.

Tom Anderson

Well, I did want to add some formatting for example

I getcha. This is really an HTML problem rather than a python problem,
isn't it? What you need to do is output a table.

FWIW, here's how i'd do it (assuming you've got HP-UX ruptime, since
that's the only one i can find example output for [1]):


You can use this as a library, a command-line tool, or a CGI script; it'll
automagically detect which context it's in and do the right thing. It's
built around the output from the HP-UX version of ruptime; let me know
what the output from yours looks like (a few lines would do) and i'll show
you how to change it.

The first key bit is a pair of regular expressions:

lineRe = re.compile(r"(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+([\d+:]+)(?:,\s+(\d+) users,\s+load ([\d., ]+))?")
uptimeRe = re.compile(r"(?:(\d+)\+)?(\d*):(\d*)")

These rip the output from ruptime apart to produce a set of fields, which
can then be massaged into useful data. Once that's done, there's a big
splodge of code which prints out an HTML document containing a table
displaying the information. It's probably neither the shortest nor the
cleanest bit of code in the universe, but it does the job and should, i
hope, be reasonably clear.


[1] http://docs.hp.com/en/B2355-90743/ch06s02.html


thanks tom,

I am running OpenBSD, NetBSD as well as OS X (FreeBSD)

My first python script


print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";

import os, string

getrup = os.popen('ruptime').read()
show = getrup.splitlines()

for line in show:
if line.find("up" or "down"):
UP = "<font color='GREEN'>UP</font>"
DOWN = "<font color='RED'>DOWN</font>"
line = line.replace("up", UP )
line = line.replace("down", DOWN )

print "<pre>%s</pre>" % line

But I was refering to more or lest format specifiers like %2d, %2s,
I know I can do it in HTML or CSS.

But I am glad you sent me that code ... it has helped me learn.



Tom, the script you referenced me errored ... But I will see if I can
get it working.


silly newbie mistake

your code runs fine on my openbsd box. ( I didnt uncomment the return
map(...) line

thanks for the awesome example!


Tom Anderson

silly newbie mistake

your code runs fine on my openbsd box. ( I didnt uncomment the return
map(...) line

My apologies - i should have made it clearer in the comment that it was
hardwired to return example data!
thanks for the awesome example!

I'm not sure how awesome it is - it's pretty simple, and probably has lots
of bugs. Is the BSD ruptime output format the same as on HP-UX? I have a
Mac myself, but no local machines broadcasting rwho data, so i don't get
any output to play with when i run ruptime!


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