I am interested in the new eclipse plugin capabilities.
Where does liclipse stand with respect to this?
The idea is providing a way to add a language just by saying things like
keywords, elements (such as function or class -- if your language has
that), indenting words and it'll provide you an editor that has all the
common functions you'd expect, such as syntax highlighting, outline,
indenting, template completion, etc. So, in LiClipse, you shouldn't need to
create a plugin at this level, just one configuration file (which you
should be able to fill in 15-30 minutes).
After that, if you want more things (such as code analysis or a semantic
aware code completion), then you'd have to go the route of actually
creating an Eclipse plugin.
ie Eclipse-4 claims to have made plugin development (for new custom
languages) easier.
What is the relation of liclipse to eclipse 3<->4 plugin architecture?
Well, it may have become a bit easier (with dltk and xtext), but it's still
far from trivial (you still have to know at least java, how plugins work,
eclipse internals, creating a grammar, etc.).
The editors structure for LiClipse should work in both Eclipse 3 or 4,
although the theming enhancements will require Eclipse 4 (as it'll need
some features only available there).