LIFO in C, need your suggestions



created a LIFO in C, need your suggestion what else more can i do on it,
and what should i change to make it best. need your suggestion specially
in function - stack_is_empty() , stack_remove() and stack_free() i have
doubt on those function.

I wrote one more extra function copy(), because for using only one
function "strcpy()" from string library unnecessary i have to include
whole library <string.h> , that is what i wrote copy() function.
is it good idea?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

SIZE_ARR = 20,
FAIL = -1,
NO = 0,
YES = 1

struct sstack_node
char name[SIZE_ARR];
struct sstack_node * next;

struct sstack_list
struct sstack_node * top;


struct sstack_list * stack_init( void );
void push(struct sstack_list *s , char * );
struct sstack_node * pop(struct sstack_list * s);

int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);
struct sstack_list * stack_refresh(struct sstack_list* s);
struct sstack_node * stack_frame(char *);
void stack_remove(struct sstack_list *);
void stack_free(struct sstack_list *);
int copy(char * to, char * from);

int main( void )
struct sstack_list * stack = NULL;
struct sstack_node * stnode = NULL;

stack = stack_init(); /* initializing new stack */

/* pushing some string into stack */
push(stack, "comp");
push(stack, "dot");
push(stack, "lang");
push(stack, "dot");
push(stack, "c");
push(stack, "programming");
push(stack, "unix");
push(stack, "linux");

/* poping */
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n\n", stnode -> name);

if( YES == stack_is_empty(stack) )
printf("stack is not empty yet \n");

return 0;

void stack_remove(struct sstack_list * s )
if( s == NULL)
printf(" there is no stack list \n");

if( s -> top != NULL )
printf(" stack is not empty yet, still making it empty \n");
stack_free( s );
printf("stack has been removed successfully \n");

void stack_free(struct sstack_list * sfree)
if( sfree != NULL)
free( sfree );
sfree = NULL;
printf("address is already free \n");
return ;


struct sstack_node* pop(struct sstack_list * s)
struct sstack_node * temp = NULL;

if( s == NULL)
printf("stack is not initialized \n");
return NULL;

if( s -> top == NULL )
printf("Stack is empty \n");
return NULL;
temp = s -> top;
if(s -> top == NULL)
printf("s t a c k - e m p t y \n");
return NULL;
s -> top = s -> top -> next ;
return temp;

void push(struct sstack_list *s , char *name )
struct sstack_node * newframe = NULL;
newframe = stack_frame(name); /* got a new node for insert into stack */
if( NULL == newframe ) return;
if( NULL == s -> top ) /* chekcing first frame into stack */
s -> top = newframe;
newframe -> next = s -> top;
s -> top = newframe;

struct sstack_node * stack_frame( char * name)
struct sstack_node * newframe = NULL;
newframe = ( struct sstack_node * ) malloc (1 * sizeof *newframe);
if( NULL == newframe )
fprintf(stderr,"error: malloc fail \n");
return NULL;
copy( newframe -> name , name);
newframe -> next = NULL;
return newframe;

int copy(char to[], char from[])
int i=0;
while(( to = from ) != '\0')

return i;

struct sstack_list* stack_refresh(struct sstack_list* s)
if( s == NULL )
printf("stack is not initlialized \n ");
return NULL;
if( s -> top != NULL)
printf("stack is not empty cannot refresh stack until it is not be empty \n");
return s;
s -> top = NULL;
printf("stack has been refreshed successfully \n");
return s;

int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s)
if( NULL == s )
printf("stack was not initlialized \n");
return FAIL;
else if( NULL == s -> top )
printf("stack is empty \n");
return YES;
printf("stack is not empty \n");
return NO;
printf("%s:%d impossible condition \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return NO;

struct sstack_list * stack_init( void )
struct sstack_list * s = NULL;
s = (struct sstack_list *) malloc (1 * sizeof *s);
if( NULL == s )
fprintf(stderr,"error: malloc fail \n");
return s;
s -> top = NULL;
return s;


created a LIFO in C, need your suggestion what else more can i do on it,
and what should i change to make it best. need your suggestion specially
in function - stack_is_empty() , stack_remove() and stack_free() i have
doubt on those function.

I wrote one more extra function copy(), because for using only one
function "strcpy()" from string library unnecessary i have to include
whole library <string.h> , that is what i wrote copy() function.
is it good idea?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

SIZE_ARR = 20,
FAIL = -1,
NO = 0,
YES = 1


struct sstack_node
char name[SIZE_ARR];
struct sstack_node * next;


struct sstack_list
struct sstack_node * top;



struct sstack_list * stack_init( void );
void push(struct sstack_list *s , char * );
struct sstack_node * pop(struct sstack_list * s);

int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);
struct sstack_list * stack_refresh(struct sstack_list* s);
struct sstack_node * stack_frame(char *);
void stack_remove(struct sstack_list *);
void stack_free(struct sstack_list *);
int copy(char * to, char * from);

int main( void )
struct sstack_list * stack = NULL;
struct sstack_node * stnode = NULL;

stack = stack_init(); /* initializing new stack */

/* pushing some string into stack */
push(stack, "comp");
push(stack, "dot");
push(stack, "lang");
push(stack, "dot");
push(stack, "c");
push(stack, "programming");
push(stack, "unix");
push(stack, "linux");

/* poping */
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n\n", stnode -> name);

if( YES == stack_is_empty(stack) )
printf("stack is not empty yet \n");

return 0;


void stack_remove(struct sstack_list * s )
if( s == NULL)
printf(" there is no stack list \n");

if( s -> top != NULL )
printf(" stack is not empty yet, still making it empty \n");
stack_free( s );
printf("stack has been removed successfully \n");


void stack_free(struct sstack_list * sfree)
if( sfree != NULL)
free( sfree );
sfree = NULL;
printf("address is already free \n");
return ;


struct sstack_node* pop(struct sstack_list * s)
struct sstack_node * temp = NULL;

if( s == NULL)
printf("stack is not initialized \n");
return NULL;

if( s -> top == NULL )
printf("Stack is empty \n");
return NULL;
temp = s -> top;
if(s -> top == NULL)
printf("s t a c k - e m p t y \n");
return NULL;
s -> top = s -> top -> next ;
return temp;


void push(struct sstack_list *s , char *name )
struct sstack_node * newframe = NULL;
newframe = stack_frame(name); /* got a new node for insert into stack */
if( NULL == newframe ) return;
if( NULL == s -> top ) /* chekcing first frame into stack */
s -> top = newframe;
newframe -> next = s -> top;
s -> top = newframe;


struct sstack_node * stack_frame( char * name)
struct sstack_node * newframe = NULL;
newframe = ( struct sstack_node * ) malloc (1 * sizeof *newframe);
if( NULL == newframe )
fprintf(stderr,"error: malloc fail \n");
return NULL;
copy( newframe -> name , name);
newframe -> next = NULL;
return newframe;


int copy(char to[], char from[])
int i=0;
while(( to = from ) != '\0')

return i;


struct sstack_list* stack_refresh(struct sstack_list* s)
if( s == NULL )
printf("stack is not initlialized \n ");
return NULL;
if( s -> top != NULL)
printf("stack is not empty cannot refresh stack until it is not be empty \n");
return s;
s -> top = NULL;
printf("stack has been refreshed successfully \n");
return s;


int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s)
if( NULL == s )
printf("stack was not initlialized \n");
return FAIL;
else if( NULL == s -> top )
printf("stack is empty \n");
return YES;
printf("stack is not empty \n");
return NO;
printf("%s:%d impossible condition \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return NO;


struct sstack_list * stack_init( void )
struct sstack_list * s = NULL;
s = (struct sstack_list *) malloc (1 * sizeof *s);
if( NULL == s )
fprintf(stderr,"error: malloc fail \n");
return s;
s -> top = NULL;
return s;


Sorry I forgot to give output in last post
here it is -
============== OUTPUT =====================
POPED: linux
POPED: unix
POPED: programming
POPED: dot
POPED: lang
POPED: dot
POPED: comp

stack is empty
stack has been refreshed successfully
stack has been removed successfully


I wrote one more extra function copy(), because for using only one
function "strcpy()" from string library unnecessary i have to include
whole library <string.h> , that is what i wrote copy() function. is it
good idea?

I am sure other will comment on this.

int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);

This function is a boolean, so I guess right name must be is_stack_empty()

void stack_remove(struct sstack_list * s ) {
if( s == NULL)
printf(" there is no stack list \n"); return;

if( s -> top != NULL )
printf(" stack is not empty yet, still making it empty \n");
stack_free( s );
printf("stack has been removed successfully \n");

I wonder what exactly is the difference between stack_remove() and
stack_free(). You don't explain that. A very general and random
interpretation will be stack_remove() will remove the stack and stack_free
() will free the stack, which means stack_remove() only removes the stack
but does not free the memory held by its different elements ? And when
all the elements are removed how you will free() them when pointers are
gone ? I am sure someone will make some different meaning out of it and
it will not be his mistake. I am not even saying your style is wrong, Its
just that you did not tell *us* what they do. Put a line or 2 for
comments. PURPOSE: ...... WHAT IT DOES: ..... WHAT I WANT: ....

void stack_free(struct sstack_list * sfree) {
if( sfree != NULL)
free( sfree );
sfree = NULL;
printf("address is already free \n"); return ;


struct sstack_node* pop(struct sstack_list * s) {
struct sstack_node * temp = NULL;

if( s == NULL)
printf("stack is not initialized \n"); return NULL;

if( s -> top == NULL )
printf("Stack is empty \n");
return NULL;
temp = s -> top;
if(s -> top == NULL)
printf("s t a c k - e m p t y \n");
return NULL;
s -> top = s -> top -> next ;
return temp;

I see people using pop() 2 ways. One that always free()s the element
after popping it (me) and the other when it pops but does not free()
Just telling you, keep this on mind.

void push(struct sstack_list *s , char *name ) {
struct sstack_node * newframe = NULL; newframe = stack_frame(name);
/* got a new node for insert into stack */ if( NULL == newframe )
if( NULL == s -> top ) /* chekcing first frame into stack */
s -> top = newframe;
newframe -> next = s -> top;
s -> top = newframe;

void push(struct sstack_list *s , char *name )
struct sstack_node * newframe = malloc( sizeof * newframe * 1) ;
if( NULL == newframe )
fprintf(stderr, "FILE: %s, LINE: %d : malloc() failed\n",
__FILE__, __LINE);

newframe->next = NULL
strcpy(newframe, name);

if( NULL == s -> top ) /* chekcing first frame into stack */
s -> top = newframe;
newframe -> next = s -> top;
s -> top = newframe;

Its just 3 lines longer than yours. It removes the need of stack_frame().
I only make a new function when either there is a special need or when
the lines of code increase beyond 40. Its a matter of choice I guess but
I will like to know the viewpoint of others.

int copy(char to[], char from[])
int i=0;
while(( to = from ) != '\0')

return i;

I really wonder why you need that ? strcpy() does that same. Why are you
reinventing the wheel ? You have included *whole* of stdlib.h but then
used only one thing from it (malloc), then why you scared of including
string.h ?

struct sstack_list* stack_refresh(struct sstack_list* s) {
if( s == NULL )
printf("stack is not initlialized \n "); return NULL;
if( s -> top != NULL)
printf("stack is not empty cannot refresh stack until it is not
be empty \n"); return s;
s -> top = NULL;
printf("stack has been refreshed successfully \n"); return s;

Whats the meaning of stack_refresh ? .. you have stack with 100 elements
and you call stack_refresh() which sets the top to null without fee()ing
the memory held by 100 elements.

struct sstack_list * stack_init( void ) {
struct sstack_list * s = NULL;
s = (struct sstack_list *) malloc (1 * sizeof *s); if( NULL == s )

C-FAQs 7.7b

Ben Bacarisse

Sumit said:
created a LIFO in C, need your suggestion what else more can i do on it,
and what should i change to make it best. need your suggestion specially
in function - stack_is_empty() , stack_remove() and stack_free() i have
doubt on those function.

I wrote one more extra function copy(), because for using only one
function "strcpy()" from string library unnecessary i have to include
whole library <string.h> , that is what i wrote copy() function.
is it good idea?

I don't think so. I can't see what advantage you think you gain by
doing the extra work (and thereby maybe introduce more bugs).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

SIZE_ARR = 20,
FAIL = -1,
NO = 0,
YES = 1

I'd leave 0 and 1 unnamed and use the results in Boolean tests without
== but I see that you want to return FAIL in some cases. I think this
complicates the use with little benefit. I want to write tests like

while (!stack_is_empty(s)) { /* ... */ }

The empty test can return FAIL but that is not interesting to anyone.
It can only fail when s == NULL which I can test myself. If there are
more complex failures, you will need a more general mechanism anyway
so this simple YES/NO/FAIL return is of limited use.
struct sstack_node
char name[SIZE_ARR];
struct sstack_node * next;

struct sstack_list
struct sstack_node * top;
void stack_remove(struct sstack_list * s )
if( s == NULL)
printf(" there is no stack list \n");

Why, having decided to have a FAIL return why does this function not
return FAIL?

I assume all the printing going on is just for testing, yes? General-use
functions should not normally print anything.

if( s -> top != NULL )
printf(" stack is not empty yet, still making it empty \n");

Eh? Did you mean 'while' rather than 'if' here? You should use still
your test, stack_is_empty, even in your own code!
stack_free( s );
printf("stack has been removed successfully \n");

void stack_free(struct sstack_list * sfree)
if( sfree != NULL)
free( sfree );
sfree = NULL;

I would not assign to sfree here, but I accept that some people feel
they must.
printf("address is already free \n");
return ;


struct sstack_node* pop(struct sstack_list * s)
struct sstack_node * temp = NULL;

if( s == NULL)
printf("stack is not initialized \n");
return NULL;

if( s -> top == NULL )
printf("Stack is empty \n");
return NULL;
temp = s -> top;
if(s -> top == NULL)
printf("s t a c k - e m p t y \n");
return NULL;

Duplicate test here.
s -> top = s -> top -> next ;
return temp;

void push(struct sstack_list *s , char *name )
struct sstack_node * newframe = NULL;
newframe = stack_frame(name); /* got a new node for insert into stack */
if( NULL == newframe ) return;
if( NULL == s -> top ) /* chekcing first frame into stack */
s -> top = newframe;
newframe -> next = s -> top;
s -> top = newframe;

You don't need to test for an empty stack.

newframe->next = s->top;
s->top = newframe;

works for both cases.

struct sstack_node * stack_frame( char * name)
struct sstack_node * newframe = NULL;
newframe = ( struct sstack_node * ) malloc (1 * sizeof *newframe);
if( NULL == newframe )
fprintf(stderr,"error: malloc fail \n");
return NULL;
copy( newframe -> name , name);

You've written your own copy but not taken the chance to make it
safer! copy could be told how large the target array is.
newframe -> next = NULL;
return newframe;

int copy(char to[], char from[])
int i=0;
while(( to = from ) != '\0')


This line is pointless. The loop can only stop when to is set to
return i;

struct sstack_list* stack_refresh(struct sstack_list* s)
if( s == NULL )
printf("stack is not initlialized \n ");
return NULL;
if( s -> top != NULL)
printf("stack is not empty cannot refresh stack until it is not be empty \n");
return s;
s -> top = NULL;
printf("stack has been refreshed successfully \n");
return s;

What is this function for? It seems to set s->top to NULL but only if
s->top already NULL.
int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s)
if( NULL == s )
printf("stack was not initlialized \n");
return FAIL;
else if( NULL == s -> top )
printf("stack is empty \n");
return YES;
printf("stack is not empty \n");
return NO;
printf("%s:%d impossible condition \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return NO;

struct sstack_list * stack_init( void )
struct sstack_list * s = NULL;
s = (struct sstack_list *) malloc (1 * sizeof *s);
if( NULL == s )
fprintf(stderr,"error: malloc fail \n");
return s;
s -> top = NULL;
return s;

I find your code slightly 'wordy'. I'd write:

struct sstack_list *stack_init(void)
struct sstack_list *s = malloc(sizeof *s);
if (s)
s->top = NULL;
else fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc fail\n");
return s;

but that is a matter of taste.

Keith Thompson

arnuld said:
On Wed, 05 Aug 2009 11:38:17 +0000, Sumit wrote: [...]
int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);

This function is a boolean, so I guess right name must be is_stack_empty()

Why is "is_stack_empty" a better name than "stack_is_empty"?

Lew Pitcher

arnuld said:
On Wed, 05 Aug 2009 11:38:17 +0000, Sumit wrote: [...]
int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);

This function is a boolean, so I guess right name must be

Why is "is_stack_empty" a better name than "stack_is_empty"?

Presumably because, in English
"stack is empty"
is an assertion, needing no response, while
"is stack empty"
is a question, with a boolean (yes/no) response.

could be understood by the programmer to answer the question of "is the
stack empty" with a boolean result.

Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright & JOAT-in-training | Registered Linux User #112576 | GPG public key available by request
---------- Slackware - Because I know what I'm doing. ------

Beej Jorgensen

Sumit said:
I wrote one more extra function copy(), because for using only one
function "strcpy()" from string library unnecessary i have to include
whole library <string.h> , that is what i wrote copy() function.
is it good idea?

Generally not a good idea, for reasons others have said. Using built-in
well-tested and well-optimized functions like strcpy() is usually the
way to go.

#including a file doesn't tend to bloat things. But do a build with
your stuff and another build with <string.h>/strcpy() and see how they
compare sizewise.

Also, do a speed test with your copy() vs. strcpy().

My guess is that the binary won't be appreciably larger with strcpy(),
and it might even be smaller. And I'd bet strcpy() will, in general,
run about 4-8x faster than your copy() depending on your architecture.


Keith Thompson

Lew Pitcher said:
arnuld said:
On Wed, 05 Aug 2009 11:38:17 +0000, Sumit wrote: [...]
int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);

This function is a boolean, so I guess right name must be

Why is "is_stack_empty" a better name than "stack_is_empty"?

Presumably because, in English
"stack is empty"
is an assertion, needing no response, while
"is stack empty"
is a question, with a boolean (yes/no) response.

could be understood by the programmer to answer the question of "is the
stack empty" with a boolean result.

Consider the context:
if (stack_is_empty(s)) {
/* ... */
if (is_stack_empty(s)) {
/* ... */

I actually have no strong preference for one over the other, but
if we're trying to match English grammar I'd say "stack_is_empty"
works better.

Ben Bacarisse

Keith Thompson said:
Consider the context:
if (stack_is_empty(s)) {
/* ... */
if (is_stack_empty(s)) {
/* ... */

I actually have no strong preference for one over the other, but
if we're trying to match English grammar I'd say "stack_is_empty"
works better.

What's more, in the absence of name-spaces, is it often a good idea to
start the name of all related functions with some common string:
stack_pop, stack_push and so on. I image the OP chose stack_is_empty
for exactly this reason though of course I am just guessing.


Lew Pitcher said:
On August 5, 2009 12:14, in comp.lang.c, Keith Thompson ([email protected])
int   stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);
This function is a boolean, so I guess right name must be
Why is "is_stack_empty" a better name than "stack_is_empty"?
Presumably because, in English
  "stack is empty"
is an assertion, needing no response, while
  "is stack empty"
is a question, with a boolean (yes/no) response.
could be understood by the programmer to answer the question of "is the
stack empty" with a boolean result.

Consider the context:
    if (stack_is_empty(s)) {
        /* ... */
    if (is_stack_empty(s)) {
        /* ... */

I actually have no strong preference for one over the other, but
if we're trying to match English grammar I'd say "stack_is_empty"
works better.

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) (e-mail address removed)  <>
"We must do something.  This is something.  Therefore, we must do this."
    -- Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn, "Yes Minister"

Thanks Arnuld , Ben and Beej

now function name stack_is_empty() has came to picture ....
actually I took this name because of maintaining similarity of
name with other functions accept push and pop but question is,
why prefix "stack_" has not been used in push() and pop() function ?
because it should be easy to invoke.

we should not give any chance to our confusion, about function name -
stack_is_empty() and is_stack_empty()
because according to English Grammar is_stack_empty? is a kind of
Sentence. but here invoking function is not asking any question to
stack controller,
rather then here a command is being sent where the answer will be
given in
YES/NO. but anyway i will keep this thing in my mind, Thanks .

Phil Carmody

Eric Sosman said:
Keith said:
arnuld said:
On Wed, 05 Aug 2009 11:38:17 +0000, Sumit wrote: [...]
int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);
This function is a boolean, so I guess right name must be is_stack_empty()

Why is "is_stack_empty" a better name than "stack_is_empty"?

It's not. Both should be stackemptyp, returning t or nil.

(Anybody got a spare parenthesis key? Mine's almost worn out.)

Brace yourself...




However, I do have the final page of the leaked source code
for Ronnie Raygun's Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI, a.k.a. Star
Wars) project - it was indeed written in lisp!

-- 8< --
-- 8< --

Phil Carmody

Malcolm McLean said:
Code that doesn't depend on anything is a lot better than code which depends
on the standard library, or on some other source file. You can use it in any

I just compiled a program which did something using a hand-rolled
strcpy()-alike on my POWER box, and it *completely* refused to run
on my ARM or my Alpha.

Please help me use it in these other environments.


Default User

Eric said:
Keith said:
arnuld said:
On Wed, 05 Aug 2009 11:38:17 +0000, Sumit wrote: [...]
int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);
This function is a boolean, so I guess right name must be

Why is "is_stack_empty" a better name than "stack_is_empty"?

It's not. Both should be stackemptyp, returning t or nil.

Queries ending in 'p' make me think of John Varley's SF story, "Press


Barry Schwarz

created a LIFO in C, need your suggestion what else more can i do on it,
and what should i change to make it best. need your suggestion specially
in function - stack_is_empty() , stack_remove() and stack_free() i have
doubt on those function.

I wrote one more extra function copy(), because for using only one
function "strcpy()" from string library unnecessary i have to include
whole library <string.h> , that is what i wrote copy() function.
is it good idea?

You don't include libraries. You include headers which are processed
during the compilation phase.

Libraries are processed during the link phase. While not guaranteed,
I would bet that almost ever linker in use will only add the functions
you actually use to your program regardless of how many unused ones
are in the library.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

SIZE_ARR = 20,
FAIL = -1,
NO = 0,
YES = 1

struct sstack_node
char name[SIZE_ARR];
struct sstack_node * next;

struct sstack_list
struct sstack_node * top;

What benefit do you derive from a structure with a single member?
Every place you use a struct sstack_list you could just as easily use
a struct sstack_node * and eliminate a lot of -> constructs.

struct sstack_list * stack_init( void );
void push(struct sstack_list *s , char * );
struct sstack_node * pop(struct sstack_list * s);

int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);
struct sstack_list * stack_refresh(struct sstack_list* s);
struct sstack_node * stack_frame(char *);
void stack_remove(struct sstack_list *);
void stack_free(struct sstack_list *);
int copy(char * to, char * from);

int main( void )
struct sstack_list * stack = NULL;
struct sstack_node * stnode = NULL;

stack = stack_init(); /* initializing new stack */

You never check to see if stack_init succeeded.
/* pushing some string into stack */
push(stack, "comp");

You have no way of knowing if push succeeded.
push(stack, "dot");
push(stack, "lang");
push(stack, "dot");
push(stack, "c");
push(stack, "programming");
push(stack, "unix");
push(stack, "linux");

/* poping */
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n", stnode -> name);
stnode = pop(stack);
printf("POPED: %s \n\n", stnode -> name);

if( YES == stack_is_empty(stack) )
printf("stack is not empty yet \n");

return 0;

void stack_remove(struct sstack_list * s )
if( s == NULL)
printf(" there is no stack list \n");

if( s -> top != NULL )

You probably meant while instead of if as others have mentioned.
printf(" stack is not empty yet, still making it empty \n");
stack_free( s );
printf("stack has been removed successfully \n");

void stack_free(struct sstack_list * sfree)
if( sfree != NULL)
free( sfree );
sfree = NULL;

sfree is local to this function. Setting it to an unused value serves
no purpose.
printf("address is already free \n");
return ;


struct sstack_node* pop(struct sstack_list * s)
struct sstack_node * temp = NULL;

if( s == NULL)
printf("stack is not initialized \n");
return NULL;

if( s -> top == NULL )
printf("Stack is empty \n");
return NULL;
temp = s -> top;
if(s -> top == NULL)
printf("s t a c k - e m p t y \n");
return NULL;
s -> top = s -> top -> next ;
return temp;

void push(struct sstack_list *s , char *name )
struct sstack_node * newframe = NULL;
newframe = stack_frame(name); /* got a new node for insert into stack */
if( NULL == newframe ) return;
if( NULL == s -> top ) /* chekcing first frame into stack */
s -> top = newframe;
newframe -> next = s -> top;
s -> top = newframe;

struct sstack_node * stack_frame( char * name)
struct sstack_node * newframe = NULL;
newframe = ( struct sstack_node * ) malloc (1 * sizeof *newframe);

What purpose do you think the cast serves?
if( NULL == newframe )
fprintf(stderr,"error: malloc fail \n");
return NULL;
copy( newframe -> name , name);
newframe -> next = NULL;
return newframe;

int copy(char to[], char from[])
int i=0;
while(( to = from ) != '\0')


Redundant as has been mentioned.
return i;

struct sstack_list* stack_refresh(struct sstack_list* s)
if( s == NULL )
printf("stack is not initlialized \n ");
return NULL;
if( s -> top != NULL)
printf("stack is not empty cannot refresh stack until it is not be empty \n");
return s;
s -> top = NULL;

If there were nodes in the stack, this causes a memory leak.
printf("stack has been refreshed successfully \n");
return s;

int stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s)
if( NULL == s )
printf("stack was not initlialized \n");
return FAIL;
else if( NULL == s -> top )
printf("stack is empty \n");
return YES;
printf("stack is not empty \n");
return NO;
printf("%s:%d impossible condition \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

This code cannot be reached.


... SNIP..
why prefix "stack_" has not been used in push() and pop() function ?
because it should be easy to invoke.

I don't agree with that and that may be a matter of style. If I am
implementing a Data-Structure in C then I usually name all the
functions with a prefix of that data structure.

we should not give any chance to our confusion, about function name -
stack_is_empty() and is_stack_empty()
because according to English Grammar is_stack_empty? is a kind of
Sentence. but here invoking function is not asking any question to
stack controller,
rather then here a command is being sent where the answer will be
given in
YES/NO. but anyway i will keep this thing in my mind, Thanks .

and when do you get a yes/no answer, when someone asks you a question.
So your function is asking a question, stack is empty or not ? ...
which only be answered in yes/no which makes it Boolean. But I agree
with Ben here, all function names need to bear similarity like using
the same prefix, stack in your case. I mean you need to decide on one
way or the other either use prefix or not. You use it in half of the
functions but not in others and that is why I recommended


Presumably because, in English
"stack is empty"
is an assertion, needing no response, while
"is stack empty"
is a question, with a boolean (yes/no) response.

could be understood by the programmer to answer the question of "is the
stack empty" with a boolean result.

Exactly my point. Actually OP is not using common prefix like I usually
use. stack_is_empty() looks good when you are using a prefix, stack_pop,
stack_push, stack_free. He is using prefix in half of the places, so I am
sure he does not stick to some convention of naming functions. If prefix
would have been used in all of the functions, then stack_is_empty() would
be my choice.

Nick Keighley

Keith said:
arnuld said:
On Wed, 05 Aug 2009 11:38:17 +0000, Sumit wrote: [...]
int   stack_is_empty(struct sstack_list* s);
This function is a boolean, so I guess right name must be is_stack_empty() [...]

Why is "is_stack_empty" a better name than "stack_is_empty"?

     It's not.  Both should be stackemptyp, returning t or nil.

     (Anybody got a spare parenthesis key?  Mine's almost worn out.)


stack-empty? returning #t or #f

Default User

pete said:
Tinku wrote:

Call it stack_empty.

It works with your convention and

if (stack_empty(s)) /* isn't really awkward */

All the coding standards I've used here at work mandate verb phrases
for function names. It was tough when I first started working under
such rules, as I was used to C standard function names, which were for
the most part not verb phrases.


Giorgos Keramidas

created a LIFO in C, need your suggestion what else more can i do on
it, and what should i change to make it best. need your suggestion
specially in function - stack_is_empty() , stack_remove() and
stack_free() i have doubt on those function.

There are nice macros for singly-linked lists, doubly-linked lists and
tail-queues in BSD and Linux. A tail-queue can serve as a very nice
LIFO if you wrap it in code of your own to insert elements at the head
and remove them from the tail (or vice versa).

Have a look at /usr/include/sys/queue.h in FreeBSD and Linux.

It's often a good idea to *avoid* reimplementing a particular wheel,
especially if there is a possibility for amusing ``corners'' (bugs,
limitations, or lack of features) in the new wheel reimplementation :)


|> created a LIFO in C, need your suggestion what else more can i do on
|> it, and what should i change to make it best. need your suggestion
|> specially in function - stack_is_empty() , stack_remove() and
|> stack_free() i have doubt on those function.
| There are nice macros for singly-linked lists, doubly-linked lists and
| tail-queues in BSD and Linux. A tail-queue can serve as a very nice
| LIFO if you wrap it in code of your own to insert elements at the head
| and remove them from the tail (or vice versa).
| Have a look at /usr/include/sys/queue.h in FreeBSD and Linux.
| It's often a good idea to *avoid* reimplementing a particular wheel,
| especially if there is a possibility for amusing ``corners'' (bugs,
| limitations, or lack of features) in the new wheel reimplementation :)

OTOH, it can be good to reimplement when the new one fixes bugs in the
legacy implementation. The queue.h implementation does not protect against
multiple evaluation of arguments. I have code that does. The tradeoff is
that my code is not as widely tested (that's what you get with any new code).
In fact, these are not even officially released. So of course I'd like to
see it tested more widely. You can preview (and even use) them here.

The linked list macro collection by itself:

The linked list macro collection in a larger collection:

These are now licensed under the BSD-like license used by OpenBSD.

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