nringty said:
this is what i want ..u open one source and from that source.... u can
open other sources.
Please quote context when replying. Other people are seeing this
and you have to let them know what you are talking about.
Are you sure you're talking about different sources or already
compiled applications?
Tell me if this is right:
You have a file called p1.c and you compile it to p1.exe.
You have another file called p2.c and you compile it to
Now you execute p1.exe and you want it to execute p2.exe?
If yes, the you can use the "system" function that you can find in
How you use the function depends on the implementation.
Different OSes give you the exec family of functions for more control.
There's also the option of creating dynamically linked libraries.
However, these are way off-topic here as they depend heavily on
your system.