list of polynomial functions


Josiah Manson

In the following program I am trying to learn how to use functional
programming aspects of python, but the following program will crash,
claiming that the recursion depth is too great. I am attempting to make
a list of polynomial functions such that poly[0](3) = 1, poly[1](3) =
3, poly[2](3) = 9, etc. Could someone point me in the right direction?

def make_polys(n):
"""Make a list of polynomial functions up to order n.
p = lambda x: 1
polys = [p]

for i in range(n):
polys.append(lambda x: polys(x)*x)

return polys

# construct a vector of polynomials
polys = make_polys(5)

# print
for p in polys:
print p(3)

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Josiah Manson said:
def make_polys(n):
"""Make a list of polynomial functions up to order n.
p = lambda x: 1
polys = [p]

for i in range(n):
polys.append(lambda x: polys(x)*x)

The `i` is the problem. It's not evaluated when the lambda *definition*
is executed but when the lambda function is called. And then `i` is
always == `n`. You have to explicitly bind it as default value in the
lambda definition:

polys.append(lambda x, i=i: polys(x)*x)

Then it works.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Tim Chase

The `i` is the problem. It's not evaluated when the lambda
*definition* is executed but when the lambda function is
called. And then `i` is always == `n`. You have to
explicitly bind it as default value in the lambda definition:

polys.append(lambda x, i=i: polys(x)*x)

Then it works.

Just to sate my curiosity, why can the lambda find "polys", but
not find "i"? If what you're describing is the case, then it
seems to me that the following code should work too:

def make_polys(n):
p = lambda x: 1
polys = [p]
for i in range(n):
p = polys
polys.append(lambda x: (p(x) * x))
return polys

yet it suffers the same problem as the original. Outside the
scope of make_polys, neither polys[] nor i exists.

There's some subtle behavior here that I'm missing.


Fredrik Lundh

Tim said:
The `i` is the problem. It's not evaluated when the lambda
*definition* is executed but when the lambda function is
called. And then `i` is always == `n`. You have to
explicitly bind it as default value in the lambda definition:

polys.append(lambda x, i=i: polys(x)*x)

Then it works.

Just to sate my curiosity, why can the lambda find "polys", but
not find "i"? If what you're describing is the case, then it
seems to me that the following code should work too:

it's not that it cannot find it, it's that if you use a closure, i will
have the same value for all lambdas.
There's some subtle behavior here that I'm missing.

lexical closures bind to names, default arguments bind to values.


Scott David Daniels

Fredrik said:
Tim said:
The `i` is the problem. It's not evaluated when the lambda
*definition* is executed but when the lambda function is
called. And then `i` is always == `n`. You have to
explicitly bind it as default value in the lambda definition:

polys.append(lambda x, i=i: polys(x)*x)

Then it works.

Just to sate my curiosity, why can the lambda find "polys", but not
find "i"? If what you're describing is the case, then it seems to me
that the following code should work too:

it's not that it cannot find it, it's that if you use a closure, i will
have the same value for all lambdas.
There's some subtle behavior here that I'm missing.

lexical closures bind to names, default arguments bind to values.

Just to be a bit more explicit:
In code like:
def make_polys(n):
"""Make a list of polynomial functions up to order n."""
p = lambda x: 1
polys = [p]
for i in range(n):
polys.append(lambda x: polys(x)*x)

The lambda-defined functions will be called after the for loop is done,
at which time the "i" (from the surrounding environment) will have a
value of 3. Hope this makes it a bit clearer.

--Scott David Daniels
(e-mail address removed)

Josiah Manson

The `i` is the problem. It's not evaluated when the lambda *definition*
is executed but when the lambda function is called. And then `i` is
always == `n`. You have to explicitly bind it as default value in the
lambda definition:

polys.append(lambda x, i=i: polys(x)*x)

Thank you for your help.

Tim Chase

Just to be a bit more explicit:
In code like:
def make_polys(n):
"""Make a list of polynomial functions up to order n."""
p = lambda x: 1
polys = [p]
for i in range(n):
polys.append(lambda x: polys(x)*x)

The lambda-defined functions will be called after the for loop is done,


My understanding is that the lambda-defined functions are not
called until the actual application thereof, with the

mypolys = make_polys(8)
mypolys[5](2) #the lambda call happens here, no?

</F>'s original statement read like a koan...there was more in it
than I was getting out of it. There seem to be several concepts
I've not yet wrapped my head around. My understanding (likely
wrong) was that "lambda" was sort of like defining a function
inline, along the lines of

def f(x):
return x+5

being somewhat equiv to

k = lambda x: x+5

you could then do

>>> f(20)
>>> j = f
>>> j(20)
>>> k(20)
>>> j = k
>>> j(20)

There does seem to be some subtle difference, as

>>> f
<function f at 0xb7d87e9c>
>>> k
<function <lambda> at 0xb7d8c0d4>

"k" clearly knows it's a <lambda> just as "f" knows its an "f"
(whether asked for by the aliased name or not).

So at some point, the Python interpreter is compiling this
function/lambda, and expanding matters with or without some sort
of scope. The OP's example seems to pull both "polys" and "i"
from the local scope. However, Python must only be tokenizing
and making references to future-ly available stuff, as, without
"spam", "blah", "tapioca", or "spatula" defined in my
environment, I can do arbitrary things like

q = lambda x: spam[spatula](x) + blah / tapioca

and Python swallows the whole lot as syntactically kosher, even
though none of these items exist. It seems to only evaluate them
at the point that "q" is called.

[lightbulb begins to go on...sorta]

However, in the OP's example, slightly modified, it seems that
polys, even when it doesn't exist in the calling scope, it
doesn't matter.
.... p = lambda x: 1
.... polys = [p]
.... for i in range(n):
.... polys.append(lambda x: polys(x)*x)
.... return polys
....Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "<stdin>", line 5, in <lambda>

I'm curious why the very first attempt to call p(3) doesn't bomb
out with the NameError that "polys" wasn't defined before it even
got to the point of attempting to call it.
Hope this makes it a bit clearer.

like chocolate. :-/

Thanks for trying though...

-tkc (who is certainly *not* a LISP programmer, as evidenced here...)

Josiah Manson

I'm curious why the very first attempt to call p(3) doesn't bomb
out with the NameError that "polys" wasn't defined before it even
got to the point of attempting to call it.

In the first call, the 0th lambda function is evaluated, and it was
defined as the constant function 1. The functions after that each refer
to the previous polynomial, so they mess up. The first doesn't so it's

I'm new to this, as evidenced by my original posting, so I may be
missing something.

I hope I helped,

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Tim Chase said:
My understanding is that the lambda-defined functions are not
called until the actual application thereof, with the

mypolys = make_polys(8)
mypolys[5](2) #the lambda call happens here, no?

Yes, that's right.
</F>'s original statement read like a koan...there was more in it
than I was getting out of it. There seem to be several concepts
I've not yet wrapped my head around. My understanding (likely
wrong) was that "lambda" was sort of like defining a function
inline, along the lines of

def f(x):
return x+5

being somewhat equiv to

k = lambda x: x+5

you could then do

>>> f(20)
>>> j = f
>>> j(20)
>>> k(20)
>>> j = k
>>> j(20)

There does seem to be some subtle difference, as

>>> f
<function f at 0xb7d87e9c>
>>> k
<function <lambda> at 0xb7d8c0d4>

"k" clearly knows it's a <lambda> just as "f" knows its an "f"
(whether asked for by the aliased name or not).

That understanding is mostly correct. Just that there's no subtile
difference. `k` doesn't know it's a lambda function, it's just an
[lightbulb begins to go on...sorta]

However, in the OP's example, slightly modified, it seems that
polys, even when it doesn't exist in the calling scope, it
doesn't matter.
... p = lambda x: 1
... polys = [p]
... for i in range(n):
... polys.append(lambda x: polys(x)*x)
... return polys
...Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "<stdin>", line 5, in <lambda>

I'm curious why the very first attempt to call p(3) doesn't bomb
out with the NameError that "polys" wasn't defined before it even
got to the point of attempting to call it.

Well, because `polys` does not exist in the module scope. But it exists
in the local scope of the functions in `f`.

An example:

In [2]:def outer(a):
.2.: b = 42
.2.: def inner(c):
.2.: print a, b, c
.2.: print locals()
.2.: return inner

In [3]:f = outer(1)

In [4]:f(2)
1 42 2
{'a': 1, 'c': 2, 'b': 42}

If `outer` returns `inner` the inner function still has a reference to the
locals of the enclosing function. So they won't go away if the outer
function returns. `a` and `b` are looked up when `f` is called. That's a
problem if you create more than one function in `outer` and use a name
from outer's locals that changes:

In [7]:def pitfall():
.7.: functions = list()
.7.: for i in range(3):
.7.: functions.append(lambda: i)
.7.: print 'pitfall: i=%d' % i
.7.: return functions

In [8]:for function in pitfall():
.8.: print function()
pitfall: i=2

At the time the list with the functions is returned `i` is 2. So if you
call any of the functions it looks up this `i`.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch


Josiah said:
In the following program I am trying to learn how to use functional
programming aspects of python, but the following program will crash,
claiming that the recursion depth is too great. I am attempting to make
a list of polynomial functions such that poly[0](3) = 1, poly[1](3) =
3, poly[2](3) = 9, etc. Could someone point me in the right direction?

def make_polys(n):
"""Make a list of polynomial functions up to order n.
p = lambda x: 1
polys = [p]

for i in range(n):
polys.append(lambda x: polys(x)*x)

return polys

# construct a vector of polynomials
polys = make_polys(5)

# print
for p in polys:
print p(3)

Many wise things have been said in this thread. I would like to proffer
another solution which does not rely on default arguments, just for a
more functional flavor.

def makepolys(n):
if n==0:
return [lambda x: 1]
return tailfunc + [ lambda x: x * tailfunc[-1](x)]

Another way, which is properly tail recursive is the following:

def makepolys2helper(n,retval):
if n==0:
return retval
return makepolys2helper(n-1,retval+[lambda x: x* retval[-1](x)])

def makepolys2(n):
return makepolys2helper(n,[lambda x: 1])

(Note: this could be collapsed into a single function either with a
default argument, or a nested function, but I thought this was a bit

This last approach could, at least theoretically, create an arbitrarily
long list of polys, without overflowing any kind of stack. In practice,
python does not seem to perform tail recursion optimizations, and conks
out after makepolys(997) on my machine.

And yes - I did just sit in on my first functional programming class :)


Pekka Karjalainen

This last approach could, at least theoretically, create an arbitrarily
long list of polys, without overflowing any kind of stack. In practice,
python does not seem to perform tail recursion optimizations, and conks
out after makepolys(997) on my machine.

You can find out the conking-out limit and change it, within reason.
import sys
help (sys.getrecursionlimit) [...]
help (sys.setrecursionlimit)

Here is a recipe for tail recursion optimization at ASPN:

Python doesn't do any kind of tail recursion optimization by default
because Guido has decided it shouldn't (at least so far). I'm sure it has
been discussed in detail in Python development forums & lists, but I
don't know those details.

This Google search is a start, but it gives too many hits for me to shift
through now:



Python doesn't do any kind of tail recursion optimization by default
because Guido has decided it shouldn't (at least so far). I'm sure it has
been discussed in detail in Python development forums & lists, but I
don't know those details.

Giving Python's late name resolution, the transformation would be a change
in semantics. Something might be proposed for 3.0.

Terry Jan Reedy

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