List Operations



what is List How We Can Use it's Operations?

Have you considered finding out?

Its a container that is not limited to C++, its about as old as
humanity itself.
There is plenty of information out there. To use a list in C++, start
by declaring one.

So, How do you declare a list of integers ?

If you need homework done: you fail
If you show no code: you fail
If you get errors and don't print out the relevent sections: you fail
If you are too lazy to find out: you are a failure


I am Not a Lazy Person Dear
But I m not Much Aware

Wow, so you aren't lazy because you don't know about lists?
So somebody who made the effort to read a book (or consulted a few of
the 16000 entries google returns on "std::list") should now explain
it too you? And they should do so because they are 'aware'?

hmm, if i were you i'ld consider forgetting programming. It takes
someone with discipline who knows how to teach themselves. I wouldn't
pay coders to ask questions.
But Thanks Anyway for Your help

no problem, i helped you more than you think.

Mike Wahler

pandit said:
what is List

It's an enumeration of the names of various items.
e.g. A grocery list:

1. Bread
2. Milk
3. Eggs
4. Potatoes
How We Can Use it's Operations?

The way I use it is, as I put each
item in the basket, I cross it off the
list. When all items are crossed off,
I go to the cashier, pay for them, take
them home, and eat them.



It's an enumeration of the names of various items.
e.g. A grocery list:

1. Bread
2. Milk
3. Eggs
4. Potatoes

The way I use it is, as I put each
item in the basket, I cross it off the
list. When all items are crossed off,
I go to the cashier, pay for them, take
them home, and eat them.


What The Hell Is This ?
are U mad (Spammer)


Have you considered finding out?

Its a container that is not limited to C++, its about as old as
humanity itself.
There is plenty of information out there. To use a list in C++, start
by declaring one.

So, How do you declare a list of integers ?

If you need homework done: you fail
If you show no code: you fail
If you get errors and don't print out the relevent sections: you fail
If you are too lazy to find out: you are a failure

This is the best advice :)


I am Not a Lazy Person Dear
But I m not Much Aware

you are not aware of doing a search inthe archives ?

well, stop programmign baby. If reading some pages for 1 or 3 days, is so
hard then you better stay away from comp.lang.c++.

when I came here 1st time, 3 years ago, the 1st thing i did was to search
the archives for answers. Though I post lots of stupid questions many
times ;) but I DO REALLY make a search in the archives to find if someone
has already posted the same question at some point of time in history and
70% of the times it is.

BTW, I am sure you have Stroustrup is available in India and C++ Primer is
there too, not to mention the much impresive work known as C++ FAQs.

comp.lang.c++ is lead by much cooperative, helpful, talented and selfless
individuals and they help. what you ask is spoonfedding and it is not the
way we work here.

Remember what Shiva says every week ?


What The Hell Is This ?
are U mad (Spammer)
?- Dölj citerad text -

- Visa citerad text -

Belay that advice!

A list is what your ship develops when your starbord side is
overloaded with port.

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