Listing modules from all installed packages


Julien Phalip


I'm trying to write a function that programmatically obtains and returns the exact location of all first-level modules for all installed packages.

For example, if the packages named 'django' and 'django-debug-toolbar' are installed, I'd like this function to return something like:/Users/my_user/.virtualenvs/my_venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django

That is, this function needs to consider all installed packages, including those that have been installed in "edit" mode (i.e. in the src/ folder). Note also that the main module for the 'django-debug-toolbar' is in fact named 'debug_toolbar'.

So far the closest I've been to retrieving the list of first-level modules is as follows:

import os
import pkg_resources
import setuptools

pkgs = set()

for dist in pkg_resources.working_set:
if os.path.isdir(dist.location):
for pkg in setuptools.find_packages(dist.location):
if '.' not in pkg:

The idea is then to loop through that list of modules, import them and get their exact locations by fetching their __file__ attribute values.

However, this feels very hackish and I don't think it's actually quite correct either. I'm sure there must be a better way. If possible I'd also like to avoid having to use setuptools.

Do you have any tips on how to achieve this?

Many thanks!


Carlos Nepomuceno

print '\n'.join([re.findall("from '(.*)'",str(v))[0] for k,v in sys.modules.items() if str(v).find('from')>-1])

Carlos Nepomuceno

Just realized that you've asked for installed packages. Perhaps the following will do the trick. I don't know why the 'lib-tk' isn't included. Why not?

toplevel_packages = ['%s\\%s'%(ml.path,name)for ml,name,ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules() if ispkg]
print '\n'.join(toplevel_packages)


Adding : python -c 'help("modules") to the other two suggestions:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import commands, pkgutil, re, sys

print('\n'.join(sorted([re.findall("from '(.*)'",str(v))[0] for k,v in sys.modules.items() if str(v).find('from')>-1])))

toplevel_packages = ['%s\\%s'%(ml.path,name)for ml,name,ispkg in sorted(pkgutil.iter_modules()) if ispkg]
print '\n'.join(toplevel_packages)

theCommand = "python -c 'help(\"modules\")'"
print('\n{} # this may take a few seconds...'.format(theCommand))
print(commands.getstatusoutput(theCommand)[1]) # help() only works in the python interpreter...

88888 Dihedral

Carlos Nepomucenoæ–¼ 2013å¹´6月9日星期日UTC+8下åˆ1時23分15秒寫é“:
print '\n'.join([re.findall("from '(.*)'",str(v))[0] for k,v in sys.modules.items() if str(v).find('from')>-1])

Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2013 21:30:48 -0700
Subject: Listing modules from all installed packages
From: (e-mail address removed)
To: (e-mail address removed)


I'm trying to write a function that programmatically obtains and returns the exact location of all first-level modules for all installed packages.

For example, if the packages named 'django' and 'django-debug-toolbar' are installed, I'd like this function to return something like:

That is, this function needs to consider all installed packages, including those that have been installed in "edit" mode (i.e. in the src/ folder).. Note also that the main module for the 'django-debug-toolbar' is in fact named 'debug_toolbar'.

So far the closest I've been to retrieving the list of first-level modules is as follows:

import os
import pkg_resources
import setuptools

pkgs = set()

for dist in pkg_resources.working_set:
if os.path.isdir(dist.location):
for pkg in setuptools.find_packages(dist.location):
if '.' not in pkg:

The idea is then to loop through that list of modules, import them and get their exact locations by fetching their __file__ attribute values.

However, this feels very hackish and I don't think it's actually quite correct either. I'm sure there must be a better way. If possible I'd also like to avoid having to use setuptools.

Do you have any tips on how to achieve this?

Many thanks!


Please use a dictionary to store a tree first.
Then it is trivial to walk through all nodes of the tree.

Julien Phalip

Just realized that you've asked for installed packages. Perhaps the following will do the trick. I don't know why the 'lib-tk' isn't included. Why not?

toplevel_packages = ['%s\\%s'%(ml.path,name)for ml,name,ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules() if ispkg]
print '\n'.join(toplevel_packages)

Thanks a lot Carlos, this gives me exactly what I needed!

Best wishes,


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