Markus Schirp
Hi All,
Is there a way to change this:
irb(main):005:0> Time.new.strftime('%A')
=> "Monday"
In this:
irb(main):005:0> Time.new.strftime('%A')
=> "Montag"
This would be the ideal implementation:
require 'locale'
Locale.locale='de_DE' do
# The new locale just exists in this block
p Time.new.strftime('%A') # => 'Montag'
# Now the Locale has been set back to default.
p Time.new.strftime('%A') # => 'Monday'
Does such a library exist?
Is there a way to change this:
irb(main):005:0> Time.new.strftime('%A')
=> "Monday"
In this:
irb(main):005:0> Time.new.strftime('%A')
=> "Montag"
This would be the ideal implementation:
require 'locale'
Locale.locale='de_DE' do
# The new locale just exists in this block
p Time.new.strftime('%A') # => 'Montag'
# Now the Locale has been set back to default.
p Time.new.strftime('%A') # => 'Monday'
Does such a library exist?