I am interested in the following web page:
And like to see its css code which is in an external page:
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="display.css">
Could anyone teach me on how to look at (open) the external css page
with such information?
A simple(-minded) way is to append the relative URL "display.css" to the
base URL, which is in this case "
(just delete everything after the last "/" in the document's own URL) to get
and visit that page on your browser. (Technically, the base URL could be
different, it could be set in the document, with the <base> tag.)
A better way is to use e.g. the Chrome browser and press F12 to enter
"developer mode", then open the <link> element in the source view and
click on its attribute "style.css". You will then see the style sheet as
color-coded (i.e., property names in red, etc.).
Other modern browsers have similar tools, but Chrome might be the best
to start with. Note that Chrome developer tools also let you click on
any element in the source view and see the CSS code applicable to it
(Styles and Matched CSS rules) as well as the computed values of CSS
properties (Computed Style). The dimensional issues are shown
separately, under "Metrics".
In this case, the style sheet starts with
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
which means that someone saved it from the net and later uploaded onto
the web server, without even editing that comment!