Looking for a C++ compiler



I am looking for a free C++ compiler for use with windows xp, and
also for linux. Does anyone know where I can find one?


Tim Prince

flank said:
I am looking for a free C++ compiler for use with windows xp, and
also for linux. Does anyone know where I can find one?

And why are you asking this in a C newsgroup?

David Wade

flank said:
I am looking for a free C++ compiler for use with windows xp, and
also for linux. Does anyone know where I can find one?

Google? Linux generally comes with GCC. For windows you have many choices.
As others have said cygwin will provide Linux on Windows. These days I tend
to use mingw www.mingw.org.as it produces standalone executables. However
much depends on where you have stolen the code you want to compile (not sure
if any one writes any new code these days). Others wrothy of note are watcom
(www.openwatcom.org). Microsoft also has a number of free offerings, which
may be a better choice if the code started on Windows or you want to go

If you are a beginer (and if you were not you wouldn't be asking on here)
you might wat to look at Salford c++


as it catchs some of the sillier mistakes beginners make...

John F

David Wade said:
Google? Linux generally comes with GCC. For windows you have many
As others have said cygwin will provide Linux on Windows. These days
I tend
to use mingw www.mingw.org.as it produces standalone executables.
much depends on where you have stolen the code you want to compile
(not sure
if any one writes any new code these days). Others wrothy of note
are watcom
(www.openwatcom.org). Microsoft also has a number of free offerings,
may be a better choice if the code started on Windows or you want to

Just for the record: OpenWatcom is able to cross compile on/to Linux
from/to W32 ... Linus Support was implemented lately. So it would be a
nice choice for someone who does not like GNU-stuff.

David Wade

John F said:
Just for the record: OpenWatcom is able to cross compile on/to Linux
from/to W32 ... Linus Support was implemented lately. So it would be a
nice choice for someone who does not like GNU-stuff.

I havn't used it extensively, but does seem to have less baggage with it
than GCC. Having being brought up on WATFIV I guess I also have emotional
ties to it...

John F

David Wade said:
I havn't used it extensively, but does seem to have less baggage
with it
than GCC. Having being brought up on WATFIV I guess I also have
ties to it...

Indeed. Have a glance at the new Wiki-based site. It has a lot of new
information on the compiler (latest Version 1.5 resleased recently).

It now incorporates the "Safer C Library" TR 24731. Supports Linux and
raw binary output which comes in handy for embedded Targets. Feel free
to join the news groups openwatcom.users.c_cpp or even ow.contributors
at news.openwatcom.org.


Chris Hills

John F said:
Indeed. Have a glance at the new Wiki-based site. It has a lot of new
information on the compiler (latest Version 1.5 resleased recently).

It now incorporates the "Safer C Library" TR 24731. Supports Linux and
raw binary output which comes in handy for embedded Targets. Feel free
to join the news groups openwatcom.users.c_cpp or even ow.contributors
at news.openwatcom.org.

Except it isn't the "Safer C" library. that is already copyright to
someone else and it is not safer anyway. I think it is now the "bounded"
C library

John F

Chris Hills said:
Except it isn't the "Safer C" library. that is already copyright to
someone else and it is not safer anyway. I think it is now the
C library

Indeed. Bounded would be a better name.

Are you referring to http://www.oakcomp.co.uk/SCT.html?

http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1146.pdf is what got

The rationale is quite clear on its intended purpose.

I think it is worth a try. At least it does no harm and can be
reverted at any time during the coding process since all interfaces
are the same as with the corresponding C99 library functions.

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