I am looking for a good IDE for Python. Commercial or Open Software.
If possible with visual GUI designer.
> For the moment I am considering Komodo.
There is no Python IDE that has a fully-integraded approach like Delphi
or VS with all bells and whistles. Tools tend to be somewhat separate
and can be combined at will, using any editor you like with any GUI
designer you like. Boa constructor is an attempt at buildings something
like Delphi, but it's quirky and has an unclear maintenance status.
Some of the big names in Python IDEs are Spe, Eric, Idle, PythonWin and
WingIDE. GUI designers you can use are wxGlade (for wxPython), Glade
(for PyGTK) and QtDesigner (for Qt). Spe + wxGlade and Eric + QtDesigner
are natural fits.
It's really a jungle out there - your personal taste and toolkit
preferences will have to determine your choice. If I like wxGlade, it
won't help you if you want to build Qt apps, Eric doesn't work if you
run Windows, etc.