For some odd reason I enjoy writing that sort of code. I guess it
reminds me a bit of the old assembler days of bit fiddling.
If you could tell me what sort of format you want the stream converted
TO, I would be happy to write you such a beast for $75 (usd or cad).
Somebody has already kindly provided a description of the Intel
This takes me back to the days of getting EPROMS burned.
Hi roedy,
Thanks ,
it's not that difficult , I was only asking about a library (we are supposed
to re-use java right?), at no time did I ask for anyone to write it for me,
in fact I thought I was very clear in my requirements.
Obviously not clear enough for Daniel. A simple "no I have not seen any
libraries" or "sorry I don't know what intel format is" would have been
In the end I coded it myself to the intel spec (Intel Corporation 1988), the
java was maybe 60 lines , and the C library worked out at just under 100,
which was mainly pinched from the Ez-usb example in apples developer kit.
I also like bit diddling, hence I wanted to download to a Cypress EZ-USB
(which i like because there is NO eprom, you download into ram and the
embedded processor executes from there, so it cuts down on development time)
and since it want to use it for forensic analysis it seemed faster to write
a GUI in java than bugger about with C++ at both ends. (Driver & embedded
Intel Corporation, (1988)
Hexadecimal Object File Format Specification
Available at: