Looking to loop the entire sript and add incrimental output?



I Need some serious help here. strugling novis with ASP and javascript
any help would be greatly appreciated

The script below does exactly what I want it to do for each product on
the two passes it makes however I would like the entire script to loop 34
times and on each of those 30 loops also write the product and the price
(only) onto the page building a compleate list of all the products
selected over the 34 loops ending with a total For the price column and
an option to e-mail this list.

It would be ideal if I could also list the types of products on the page
before we start and have the loops fill the list as it's compleated e.g.

(the script as it is now)

dropdown box one

dropdown box two

Wites info on each loop
about the selection for
that product on that loop
as the script does now

(New incremental output would be added below)

type 1 Product one £xxx.xx (ie loop 1)
type 2 Product one £xxx.xx
type 3 Product one £xxx.xx
type 4
type 29
type 34

Total £xxx.xx (nice if this incresed every loop)

email this list y/n



<!-- Start First Drop Down -->

Set objDC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objDC.Open Application("Database1_connectionstring")

Set objRS = objDC.Execute("Select DISTINCT Component_Type FROM

<p><font color="#000080" size="2"><b> <span lang="en-gb">You can now
design your own custom built system
online using our detailed component database</span></b></font>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-
collapse: collapse" width="100%" id="AutoNumber1">
<td width="3%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="94%">
<FORM METHOD="POST" NAME="Form1" ACTION="systems_build.asp">
<p align="left">
<SELECT NAME="Component_Type" SIZE="1" ONCHANGE=Form1.submit()>
<option selected><% = Request.Form("Component_Type") %>
' Continue until we get to the end of the recordset.
Do Until objRS.EOF
' For each record we create a option tag and set it's value to
the Component_Type
<OPTION><%= objRS("Component_Type") %></OPTION>
' Get next record
</SELECT> <b><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080">Choose a
Component Type</font></b></p>

' Close Data Access Objects and free DB variables
Set objRS = Nothing
Set objDC = Nothing

<!-- End first Drop Down -->
<!--Second drop down -->

'Some code to hide the second drop down until we make a selection from
the first
IF Request.Form("Component_Type") = "" Then
'If Component_Type has a value then we get a list of parts for the second
drop down
Set objDC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objDC.Open Application("Database1_connectionstring")

Set objRS = objDC.Execute("Select Products FROM Parts_Table WHERE
Component_Type = '" & Request.Form("Component_Type") & "'")
<FORM METHOD="POST" NAME="Form2" ACTION="systems_build.asp">
<p align="left">
<font face="Arial"><font color="#008080"><b>
<SELECT NAME="Products" SIZE="1" ONCHANGE=Form2.submit()>
<option selected><% = Request.Form("Products") %></option>
' Continue until we get to the end of the recordset.
Do Until objRS.EOF
' For each record we create a option tag and set it's value to
the Products
<OPTION><%= objRS("Products") %></OPTION>
' Get next record
'Set a hidden value in the second form for the Component_Type
'so we can pass it along with the Products to the next query
</SELECT></b></font><b><font size="2" color="#008080"> </font>
<font size="2" color="#000080">Choose a Product</font></b><font
color="#000080"><b><input type="hidden" name="Component_Type" value="<% =
Request.Form("Component_Type") %>"></b></font></font></p>

' Close Data Access Objects and free DB variables
Set objRS = Nothing
Set objDC = Nothing
End IF

<!-- Display the records -->

<td width="3%">&nbsp;</td>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-
collapse: collapse" width="600" id="AutoNumber2">
<td width="51" valign="top"><b>
<font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000">Details: </font><font
face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080"> <% Response.Write Products & " " &
Component_Type %> </font>
<td width="302">
'Make sure we have submitted a Product and don't show results until we do
IF Request.Form("Products") = "" Then
Set objDC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objDC.Open Application("Database1_connectionstring")

Set objRS = objDC.Execute("Select * FROM Parts_Table WHERE Component_Type
= '" & Request.Form("Component_Type") & "' AND Products = '" &
Request.Form("Products") & "'")

'Loop through the database and assign the appropriate values to variables
'that we will use later

Do Until objRS.EOF
Manufacturer = objRS("Manufacturer")
Description = objRS("Description")
Model_No = objRS("Model_No")
Products = objRS("Products")
Part_Number = objRS("Part_Number")
Price = objRS("Price")
Image = objRS("Image")
Options = objRS("Options")
Component_Type = objRS("Component_Type")

Set objRS = Nothing
Set objDC = Nothing
<p align="left"><b><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080"><%
Response.Write Products & " - " & Component_Type %> </font>
<font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080">
'Set up the display of the record
Response.Write "Manufacturer - " & Manufacturer & "<br>"
Response.Write Description & "<br>"
Response.Write "Model No. " & Model_No & "<br>"
Response.Write Products & " - " & "Part No. " & Part_Number & " Price
" & Price & "<br>"
IF Options <> "" Then
Response.Write "Options:- " & Options & "<br>"
Response.Write image & "<br>"
End IF
End IF

<td width="247"><img src="images/defaultimage.gif"></td>

<p align="center">


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