Loosing Session values across Applications



I seem to be loosing my session variable as I move from one application to another
The first application presents a menu of applications the user is authed for
When I call the next application and try to retrieve the username from the session variable I get nothing; the value is null

I have tried all the Session modes and set cookies off

Once I know they are valid I fill in the UID value in session
Session.Add( "UID", this.txtBoxUserName.Text )

For know I hardcoded this to get me to my next application
Using "Response.ApplyAppPathModifier" does not seem to add the Session ID to the URL as documented
NewURL = "/COA/(" + Session.SessionID + ")/COA_EntryForm.aspx"
Response.Redirect( NewURL )

When I get to the next form "COA_EntryForm.aspx", I get an exception when I try to access

Any and all help is appreciated.


I'll check out the webite, thanks!

I thought that the difference between the application object and the session object was that the session object existed during the session and was exclusive to the session and the application existed for the aplpication and was shared by all users



You are right, but not between applications

----- Windjammer wrote: ----

I'll check out the webite, thanks!

I thought that the difference between the application object and the session object was that the session object existed during the session and was exclusive to the session and the application existed for the aplpication and was shared by all users


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