Lost session variables



I have a website that has a asp secured members only aria that keeps
session variables to check if someone is logged in or not (if session
variables are not there then redirect to logon screen) but I also have
non members aria and I need a way of asking the user if they want to
move away from the members only aria or go back to it. I have used an
asp to find out if the page is a non member page and if there is a
session variable there. If there is a session variable and is a non
member page then I use JavaScript to bring up a confirm box that if
the cancel button is pressed then it goes back a page. The problem is
that when you go back a page the session variable gets lost. Dose
anyone know how to solve this problem or a better way of doing this?


(e-mail address removed) wrote on 01 feb 2007 in
I have a website that has a asp secured members only aria that keeps
session variables to check if someone is logged in or not (if session
variables are not there then redirect to logon screen) but I also have
non members aria and I need a way of asking the user if they want to
move away from the members only aria or go back to it. I have used an
asp to find out if the page is a non member page and if there is a
session variable there. If there is a session variable and is a non
member page then I use JavaScript to bring up a confirm box that if
the cancel button is pressed then it goes back a page. The problem is
that when you go back a page the session variable gets lost. Dose
anyone know how to solve this problem or a better way of doing this?

Better show your asp code, only the relevant part, that is.

If you loose the session, you loose the session variables,
so I think it is about losing the session.

The page you come from is or should be stored in:


here is my code
logon is set to 1 in a include that is only on member pages

<%if logon<>1 then
if session("user_ID") <> 0 OR Session("user_ID") <> "" then

<script type="text/javascript">
var r=confirm("are you shure you want to leave the secure area?")
if (r==true)

<% end if
else %>
a members menu bar include
<%end if %>


(e-mail address removed) wrote on 01 feb 2007 in
here is my code
logon is set to 1 in a include that is only on member pages

<%if logon<>1 then

if session("user_ID") <> 0 OR Session("user_ID") <> "" then

This boolean is always true!!!!

The boolean can only be false,
if session("user_ID") is both 0 and "" at the same time,
which is impossible.

Anthony Jones

Evertjan. said:
(e-mail address removed) wrote on 01 feb 2007 in

This boolean is always true!!!!

The boolean can only be false,
if session("user_ID") is both 0 and "" at the same time,
which is impossible.

Are you sure? What if Session("User_ID") is empty?

This code would be better:-

If Session("User_ID") = Empty Then

Roland Hall

Anthony Jones said:
Are you sure? What if Session("User_ID") is empty?

This code would be better:-

If Session("User_ID") = Empty Then

-A starter template-

' loggedin.asp - included in members only pages
dim username
username = session("username")
if username = "" then Response.Redirect "login.asp"

' common.asp
sub prt(str)
Response.Write str & vbCrLf
end sub

sub lprt(str)
Response.Write str & "<br />" & vbCrLf
end sub

' login.asp
<%@ Language="VBScript" %>
Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = True
<!--#include file="common.asp"-->
dim method
method = Request.ServerVariables(""Request_Method")
if method = "POST" then
' process login
' ...
' if login successful
session("username") = rs("username")
Response.Redirect "welcome.asp"
prt "<html>
prt "<head>"
prt "<title>Login</title>"
prt "</head>"
prt "<body>"
prt "<form action="""" method=""post"">"
lprt "Username: <input type=""text"" name=""username"" value="""" />"
lprt "Password: <input type=""password"" name=""password"" value="""" />"
lprt "<input type=""submit"" value=""Login"" />"
prt "</form>
lprt "Not a member? <input type=""button"" value=""Register""
onclick=""locaton.href='register.asp'"" />"
lprt "You can also browse our site as a visitor by clicking <a
lprt "You must register to have full access to the site."
prt "</body>"
prt "</html>"

' welcome.asp
<@ Language="VBScript" %>
Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = True
<!--#include file="loggedin.asp"-->
<!--#include file="common.asp"-->
' code goes here
prt "<div class=""toolbar"">Username: " & username & " <a

' ...

' logout.asp
Response.Redirect "login.asp"

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