Chuck Mead
I am pulling this from the other thread it was in as the discussion as
gone in other directions. What follows is copied from my first post on
the subject:
Hal was asking that question at my behest and I am sure he's now
wondering just how much he can say...
The answer is quite a bit...
The distro he's talking about is Lunar Linux (http://lunar-linux.org).
A source based distribution built to be fast and easily updated (both
of which it is). It makes a great developer OS because it's very
simple to keep it on the bleeding edge if that's where you want to be.
We have been talking about replacing our application management system
(currently bash based) with Ruby for about a year and one of our dev's
has done some initial coding to that end (and that code is in our cvs
right now though not exposed as it is *not* yet usable).
Others can talk about the technical details much better than I can as
I am a complete newbie to Ruby though I like what I hear and see a
Lunar is on it's 6th release and, thus far, has managed to stay well
under the radar. If you want to nab a copy and install it to see where
we are now you can grab our last ISO from here:
(very fast download as that is an internet2 site)
Anyway my purpose here is to engender some discussion and maybe start
a push to get us going on lunar2.
gone in other directions. What follows is copied from my first post on
the subject:
Hal was asking that question at my behest and I am sure he's now
wondering just how much he can say...
The answer is quite a bit...
The distro he's talking about is Lunar Linux (http://lunar-linux.org).
A source based distribution built to be fast and easily updated (both
of which it is). It makes a great developer OS because it's very
simple to keep it on the bleeding edge if that's where you want to be.
We have been talking about replacing our application management system
(currently bash based) with Ruby for about a year and one of our dev's
has done some initial coding to that end (and that code is in our cvs
right now though not exposed as it is *not* yet usable).
Others can talk about the technical details much better than I can as
I am a complete newbie to Ruby though I like what I hear and see a
Lunar is on it's 6th release and, thus far, has managed to stay well
under the radar. If you want to nab a copy and install it to see where
we are now you can grab our last ISO from here:
(very fast download as that is an internet2 site)
Anyway my purpose here is to engender some discussion and maybe start
a push to get us going on lunar2.