Dale Gerdemann
I'm trying to figure out how use LWP::UserAgent to get dynamically
generated Web pages using the POST method. I've followed the examples
in the O'Reilly book: Perl & LWP by Sean M. Burke. There's an example
there of posting to the AltaVista Babelfish translator, and this
example works fine for me. But when I try to do someting similar on
another page, it fails.
For example, I tried to get morphological analysis (word structure
analysis) from http://www.uni-plovdiv.bg/dcs/morphe.htm, and even
though it's a very simple minded form, I had no success. Sean Burke
has a program in his book called formpairs, which allows you to test
what posted info a form is expecting. I used this and checked very
carefully, but still, no success.
Here's what the form looks like:
function FrontPage_Form1_Validator(theForm)
if (theForm.D1.selectedIndex < 0)
alert("Please select one of the \"D1\" options.");
return (false);
return (true);
//--></script><!--webbot BOT="GeneratedScript" endspan --><form
action="http://rdesc.pu.acad.bg/cgi-bin/cgi_morf.exe" method="POST"
onsubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)"
<p><textarea name="S1" rows="5" cols="82"></textarea></p>
<p><!--webbot bot="Validation" b-value-required="TRUE" --><select
name="D1" size="3">
<option>1.Windows ( àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúüþÿ )</option>
<option>2.Macintosh ( abvgde'zijklmnoprstufxchw]=;_q )</option>
<option>3.QWERTY ( abwgdevzijklmnoprstufhc`[]yx\q )</option>
<p><input type="submit" name="B1" value="Analysis"></p>
You see that there's a bit of Javascript getting in the way, but I
don't think thats a problem here. [You also see that the author of the
page mixed up is terminology and referred to ASCII as QWERTY.
But that's beside the point.] I tried to access this page with the
use strict;
use LWP;
my $browser;
sub do_POST {
# Parameters:
# the URL,
# an arrayref or hashref for the key/value pairs,
# and then, optionally, any header lines: (key,value, key,value)
$browser = LWP::UserAgent->new( ) unless $browser;
my $resp = $browser->post(@_);
return ($resp->content, $resp->status_line, $resp->is_success, $resp)
if wantarray;
return unless $resp->is_success;
return $resp->content;
my ($content, $message, $is_success) = do_POST(
[ 'S1' => 'ne', 'B1' => "Analysis",
'D1'=>'3.QWERTY ( abwgdevzijklmnoprstufhc`[]yx\q )' ],
print "$content\n";
Anybody have any ideas???
Dale Gerdemann
generated Web pages using the POST method. I've followed the examples
in the O'Reilly book: Perl & LWP by Sean M. Burke. There's an example
there of posting to the AltaVista Babelfish translator, and this
example works fine for me. But when I try to do someting similar on
another page, it fails.
For example, I tried to get morphological analysis (word structure
analysis) from http://www.uni-plovdiv.bg/dcs/morphe.htm, and even
though it's a very simple minded form, I had no success. Sean Burke
has a program in his book called formpairs, which allows you to test
what posted info a form is expecting. I used this and checked very
carefully, but still, no success.
Here's what the form looks like:
function FrontPage_Form1_Validator(theForm)
if (theForm.D1.selectedIndex < 0)
alert("Please select one of the \"D1\" options.");
return (false);
return (true);
//--></script><!--webbot BOT="GeneratedScript" endspan --><form
action="http://rdesc.pu.acad.bg/cgi-bin/cgi_morf.exe" method="POST"
onsubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)"
<p><textarea name="S1" rows="5" cols="82"></textarea></p>
<p><!--webbot bot="Validation" b-value-required="TRUE" --><select
name="D1" size="3">
<option>1.Windows ( àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúüþÿ )</option>
<option>2.Macintosh ( abvgde'zijklmnoprstufxchw]=;_q )</option>
<option>3.QWERTY ( abwgdevzijklmnoprstufhc`[]yx\q )</option>
<p><input type="submit" name="B1" value="Analysis"></p>
You see that there's a bit of Javascript getting in the way, but I
don't think thats a problem here. [You also see that the author of the
page mixed up is terminology and referred to ASCII as QWERTY.
But that's beside the point.] I tried to access this page with the
use strict;
use LWP;
my $browser;
sub do_POST {
# Parameters:
# the URL,
# an arrayref or hashref for the key/value pairs,
# and then, optionally, any header lines: (key,value, key,value)
$browser = LWP::UserAgent->new( ) unless $browser;
my $resp = $browser->post(@_);
return ($resp->content, $resp->status_line, $resp->is_success, $resp)
if wantarray;
return unless $resp->is_success;
return $resp->content;
my ($content, $message, $is_success) = do_POST(
[ 'S1' => 'ne', 'B1' => "Analysis",
'D1'=>'3.QWERTY ( abwgdevzijklmnoprstufhc`[]yx\q )' ],
print "$content\n";
Anybody have any ideas???
Dale Gerdemann