andrea crotti
I would really like to do the following:
from lxml import etree as ET
from lxml.builder import E
url = "http://something?x=10&y=20"
l = E.link(url)
ET.tostring(l) -> "<link>http://something?x=10&y=20</link>"
However the lxml tostring always quotes the &, I can't find a way to
tell it to avoid quoting it.
Is it possible?
from lxml import etree as ET
from lxml.builder import E
url = "http://something?x=10&y=20"
l = E.link(url)
ET.tostring(l) -> "<link>http://something?x=10&y=20</link>"
However the lxml tostring always quotes the &, I can't find a way to
tell it to avoid quoting it.
Is it possible?