I'd be glad hearing comments upon it.
Ok, here we go:
1. The RUBY_PLATFORM test in your extconf.rb file is broken. It will =20
only allow to build the extension for a ruby *built* under 10.4.7. =20
For example, it will fail for a ruby built on 10.4.6 but running =20
under 10.4.7. And the regexp you are using is incorrect to begin with =20=
('.' does not match '.', but any character).
2. You are adding include paths to CFLAGS which you don't need. Only =20
Carbon and CoreFoundation are required, you can remove everything else.
3. Same for LDFLAGS, you only need to link against the Carbon and =20
CoreFoundation frameworks, forget about CoreServices and Foundation.
4. I have no idea how your extension can work, because it really =20
should not. You are defining methods for RAliasFile which is a global =20=
variable set to Qnil, instead of defining them for cRAliasFile which =20
you correctly define first. This makes no sense. Remove RAliasFile, =20
you don't need it.
5. Same story for the alias_path global variable, it's totally =20
useless as far as I can tell.
6. Having "version" as an instance method is bogus, you should =20
probably make it a singleton method.
That's after a quick 5mn look, there's probably more to say...
Luc Heinrich - (e-mail address removed) -