cwdjrxyz said:
Using javascript is just one of many ways of writing codes that will
cause computers serious problems. Others include ActiveX, and just
corrupted images with bad code hidden in them. At one time you could
avoid bad sites and not open unknown email, and you usually would not
get infected.For some time now there have been bugs that will infect
you just if you sign onto the web. Especially if you have a Windows OS,
you must take all Microsoft critical updates, have good virus
protection, have a good firewall, and keep them all updated. Else you
most likely will be infected soon. Some of the anti virus programs have
links that will allow you to find what new bugs are out there and will
describe an old bug for which you have found a name.
You can of course reduce your chances for infection by using one of the
lesser used OSs rather than Windows. Many of these are more difficult
to hack than the XP, but also the XP is a favorite target of hackers
because they can infect a larger number of of computers that way.
Unfortunately many of us must use a Windows OS, because many important
media and other programs do not have versions for other OSs. If you are
working with professional media programs, fortunately many of these
have Mac as well as Windows versions. Many of the media professionals
love Mac for their work. Macs have been hacked, but not nearly as much
as Windows.
I should mention that ActiveX usually is found only on Microsoft OSs,
browsers, and their close relatives such as MSN9. However there have
been downloads available for Firefox, Mozilla, and Netscape to support
ActiveX for the Windows Media Player only. The reason is that some
write media pages using only ActiveX support. This limited use of
ActiveX for the WMP only is likely much safer than full ActiveX
support. Opera seems to have found some indirect way to support media
for the WMP written using ActiveX code only. I have no idea how they do
this, but it is extremely unlikely that they use ActiveX for anything
on their browser. Of course, if one wishes to live dangerously, you can
locate full ActiveX plugins for many browsers.
I should add that spyware, malware, scumware, or whatever you choose to
call it has become a big problem. If you have a Windows OS, you can
download a spyware protection program for free.But they check your
computer to make sure you have an official Windows OS, and if not you
get no download.
Of course it still pays to be careful. Stay away from doubtful sites,
use an email service or agent that scans for problems, etc. I have
never used Outlook/Outlook Express. I use the Yahoo mail service
provided by my isp SBC/Yahoo DSL, but free Yahoo mail is available to
everyone. They will not open any attachment for you until it is scanned
for a virus. I open all of my domain mail at Yahoo mail as pop mail. As
in most things in life, nothing is certain. You could be the first on
the block to get a new bug before updates for it are available in
protection programs. However, especially if you use a Windows OS, you
can greatly reduce the odds if you have good protection programs as
well as use caution about what you view or open.
Even on a Windows OS browser, you likely can reduce your chances for
infection by using a browser other than IE when online. I usually use
Opera or Firefox, but you still have to use IE to view some sites
properly. I have Opera set for very high security and use it for
questionable sites. It asks for you to accept or refuse all cookies of
any type a site my try to plant on your computer. I have seen sites for
which you have to refuse cookies 20 times, and some sites will not let
you in without cookies.