management of many small objects


Bo Peng

Dear List,

It is not clear what the title means. :) Here is the details:

I need to manage a big bunch of small objects, like

int a;
int b[size_undetermined];

I do not want to use the usual int*, new, delete method since
1. a million new and delete would be slow
2. I need to access elements of b cross all objects. There might be
better ways to loop through obj.b[2].
3. the size of b is usually small so the overhead of an additional int *
is too big.

I am currently using vector<int>( num_objects*(1+size_of_b) ) to store
the objects and vector<int>::iterator to access elements. But the
problems are:

1. I would like to pass reference of obj to other functions but I only
have vector<int>::iterator, not vector<obj>::iter.
2. If I would like to expand obj (e.g. adding another variable), my code
has to be rewritten because of index changes.

Is there a better way to do it? Can I somehow create a dynamic type
struct{ int a, int b[size]; } and apply to the existing vector?
boost::memorypool seems to be a good idea but there is still a waste of
memory for using pointers.

Many thanks in advance.

Mike Wahler

Bo Peng said:
Dear List,

It is not clear what the title means. :) Here is the details:

I need to manage a big bunch of small objects, like


I'll give your type a name for use below

struct T {
int a;
int b[size_undetermined];

If the size can not be determined at compile time,
then you can't use this syntax. You'll have to
use a pointer and dynamic allocation. However,
I suggest using a container here.

I do not want to use the usual int*, new, delete method since
1. a million new and delete would be slow
2. I need to access elements of b cross all objects. There might be
better ways to loop through obj.b[2].
3. the size of b is usually small so the overhead of an additional int *
is too big.

Well, an int is often the same size as a pointer, so there's not
that much overhead unless your array usually has only zero to three
elements or so.
I am currently using vector<int>( num_objects*(1+size_of_b) )

Huh? Why? Why not simply:

to store
the objects and vector<int>::iterator

You're not storing any object of your struct type, just ints.

Don't store an iterator in a container. There's no need.
to access elements. But the
problems are:

1. I would like to pass reference of obj to other functions but I only
have vector<int>::iterator, not vector<obj>::iter.

'obj' is not a type name, so you can't do that. But again,
why not:

2. If I would like to expand obj (e.g. adding another variable), my code
has to be rewritten because of index changes.

Adding another member to your struct won't change any indexes,
it will only increase the size of your struct.
Is there a better way to do it? Can I somehow create a dynamic type
struct{ int a, int b[size]; }

struct T
int a;
std::vector<int> b;
T(std::vector<int>::size_type size) : b(size) {}

int main()
T cont(how_many);
return 0;
and apply to the existing vector?
boost::memorypool seems to be a good idea but there is still a waste of
memory for using pointers.

Many thanks in advance.


Bo Peng

Hi, Mike,

Thanks for your reply. I certainly know all the grammar details and what
I showed was just some kind of psudo-code.

The core of the problem is that I will have a million or so small
objects with some fixed elements and an array. Most of the data is
actually unsigned char (not int) so a pointer is 4 times bigger than it.

Suppose the length of b is 8 and there will be 1000 objects. The actual
datasize is (4+8)*1000=12000. Compare:

solution 1: Most convenient.

The implmentation of vector in gcc uses three pointers.

struct T{
int a; // 4 bytes
vector<unsigned char> b; // 3 pointers + 8 real data = 20 bytes

vector<T> myarray(size) will use 1000 new and delete (unless STL uses
something else in their allocator) + 24*1000 memory usage (50% waste).

Solution 2: Medium difficulty.

struct T{
int a; // 4 bytes
unsigned char * b; // b = new unsigned char[8] , 12 bytes

vector<T> myarray(size) will use 1000 new and delete + 16*1000 memory
usage ( 25% waste )

Solution 3: Most difficult to control. Putting all data in a big block.

const int blocksize = sizeof(int)/sizeof(unsigned char) + 8;
vector<unsigned char> ab( blocksize*size)

2 new and delete + 12*1000 memory usage (0% waste)

Because of the nature of the program (memory hungry), I can not tolerate
50% memory waste. I dislike solution 2 since there are too many new and
deletes and I guess

for (int i=0; i< 1000; i++)
myarray.b[2] = 2 // de-reference two pointers each time.

is slower than that in solution 3.

for (int i=0; i<1000*blocksize; i+=blocksize)
ab = 2;

However, managing a block of memory without data structure is really
painful so what I was asking is (almost without hope) a way to apply
data structure to a block of data. For example

T* myobj = reinterpret_cast<T*> (&ab) ;
myobj->a = 5;
myobj->b[2] = 2; // or someway else

or even better
vector<T>::iterator it = (some kind of cast of) ab.begin();

Of course type T here can not be defined since the size of T can not be

There are other solutions hanging around (user-defined fixed-size
vector, memory pool) but I have not find one with acceptable trade-off
between memory-usage, performance (less new/delete, quick data access)
and easy-to-use ...



Robbie Hatley

Bo Peng said:
int a;
int b[size_undetermined];

Yuck. That's not a very good construct. I think the
following kind of thing will work much better for you:

// MyFile.cpp:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using std::vector;

struct MyStruct
int a;
vector<int> b;

int main(void)
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

// InitSize is initial size of container of objects:
const int InitSize = 10;

vector<MyStruct> Objs (InitSize);

{ // Limit scope
MyStruct Splat; // Temporary object
Splat.a = 13;
Objs[0] = Splat;
} // Splat is uncreated here

{ // Limit scope
MyStruct Splat; // Temporary object
Splat.a = 97;
Objs[1] = Splat;
} // Splat is uncreated here

vector<MyStruct>::size_type i; // Index to Objs
vector<int>::iterator j; // Iterator to elements of b

for (i = 0; i <2; ++i)
cout << "Object Number: " << i << endl;
cout << "Value of a: " << Objs.a << endl;
cout << "Elements of b:" << endl;
for (j = Objs.b.begin(); j != Objs.b.end(); ++j)
cout << (*j) << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
return 0;

Of course, you'll need to handle issues such as whether to
start with empty or pre-sized containers, and whether to use
vectors or some other containers. If you change sizes
or insert/delete elements often, then a list or deque may work
better. Depends on the details of your application.

Hope the above gives you some useful ideas.

Robbie Hatley
Tustin, CA, USA
email: lonewolfintj at pacbell dot net
web: home dot pacbell dot net slant earnur slant

Alf P. Steinbach

* Bo Peng:
Dear List,

It is not clear what the title means. :) Here is the details:

I need to manage a big bunch of small objects, like

int a;
int b[size_undetermined];

I do not want to use the usual int*, new, delete method since
1. a million new and delete would be slow
2. I need to access elements of b cross all objects. There might be
better ways to loop through obj.b[2].
3. the size of b is usually small so the overhead of an additional int *
is too big.

I think you should regard the above struct as an _external
representation_ (serialization) of an object, not as the object itself.

That means essentially using the FlyWeight pattern (Google).

I am currently using vector<int>( num_objects*(1+size_of_b) ) to store
the objects and vector<int>::iterator to access elements.

But the problems are:

1. I would like to pass reference of obj to other functions but I only
have vector<int>::iterator, not vector<obj>::iter.

Construct FlyWeight data from reference to data, pass that object

2. If I would like to expand obj (e.g. adding another variable), my code
has to be rewritten because of index changes.

Yes, that is a problem. Proper solution depends on access patterns.
For example, if you only use sequential access (forward and backward)
then the cursor gap technique (Google, if no ref ask again here) would
be ideal. Cursor gap also allows random read/write access but not for
insertion, which is what expanding data entails. If you need random
access with insertion then a B-tree (Google) seems to be indicated. But
this is not a C++ problem, so please do ask further questions in a more
appropriate groups such as e.g. [comp.programming].

By the way, nowadays "a million" is not very large. Even a "Hello,
world!" program of 512 byte (byte, not KiB) executable might use a few
MiB's of memory when loaded. Have you had a look at the small-object
allocator in Andrei's "Modern C++ Design"?

John Harrison

Hi, Mike,

Thanks for your reply. I certainly know all the grammar details and what
I showed was just some kind of psudo-code.

The core of the problem is that I will have a million or so small
objects with some fixed elements and an array. Most of the data is
actually unsigned char (not int) so a pointer is 4 times bigger than it.
Suppose the length of b is 8 and there will be 1000 objects. The actual
datasize is (4+8)*1000=12000. Compare:

solution 1: Most convenient.

The implmentation of vector in gcc uses three pointers.

struct T{
int a; // 4 bytes
vector<unsigned char> b; // 3 pointers + 8 real data = 20 bytes

vector<T> myarray(size) will use 1000 new and delete (unless STL uses
something else in their allocator) + 24*1000 memory usage (50% waste).

Solution 2: Medium difficulty.

struct T{
int a; // 4 bytes
unsigned char * b; // b = new unsigned char[8] , 12 bytes

vector<T> myarray(size) will use 1000 new and delete + 16*1000 memory
usage ( 25% waste )

Solution 3: Most difficult to control. Putting all data in a big block.

const int blocksize = sizeof(int)/sizeof(unsigned char) + 8;
vector<unsigned char> ab( blocksize*size)

2 new and delete + 12*1000 memory usage (0% waste)

Because of the nature of the program (memory hungry), I can not tolerate
50% memory waste. I dislike solution 2 since there are too many new and
deletes and I guess

for (int i=0; i< 1000; i++)
myarray.b[2] = 2 // de-reference two pointers each time.

is slower than that in solution 3.

for (int i=0; i<1000*blocksize; i+=blocksize)
ab = 2;

However, managing a block of memory without data structure is really
painful so what I was asking is (almost without hope) a way to apply
data structure to a block of data. For example

T* myobj = reinterpret_cast<T*> (&ab) ;
myobj->a = 5;
myobj->b[2] = 2; // or someway else

or even better
vector<T>::iterator it = (some kind of cast of) ab.begin();

Of course type T here can not be defined since the size of T can not be

When I first read your post I assumed that the size of the block varied
between objects, but since you seem to be putting all these objects in a
vector that doesn't seem to be the case. Niether does it seem that
blocksize only varies each time you compile the code, because if it did
you would have a simple template based solution.

So I'm assuming that blocksize is a run time variable, but is fixed for
all the objects within a particular run. If so then the following
non-standard but highly portable code would seem to do what you want.

struct FakeObject
int a;
unsigned char b[1];

// allocate 1000 objects
size_t blocksize = 8;
size_t objsize = sizeof(int) + blocksize;
vector<unsigned char> ab(1000*objsize);

// get object 100 (say)
FakeObject* myobj = reinterpret_cast<FakeObject*>(&ab[100*objsize]);
myobj->b[2] = 1;

No doubt others can tell you the many ways in which this breaks the
C++ standard but hopefully you are more interested in the fact that it


Bo Peng

So I'm assuming that blocksize is a run time variable, but is fixed for
all the objects within a particular run.

Exactly. I should have been clearer about this.
if so then the following non-standard but highly portable code
would seem to do what you want.

struct FakeObject
int a;
unsigned char b[1];

// allocate 1000 objects
size_t blocksize = 8;
size_t objsize = sizeof(int) + blocksize;
vector<unsigned char> ab(1000*objsize);

// get object 100 (say)
FakeObject* myobj = reinterpret_cast<FakeObject*>(&ab[100*objsize]);
myobj->b[2] = 1;

This indeed partially works. It would be better if myobj has the correct
size. I.e. myobj++ can work as expected.

So, how about the following code?

class ObjIterator{
unsigned char * ptr;
size_t objsize;
// return FakeObject * for *ObjIterator
FakeObject* operator * (){
return reinterpret_cast<FakeObject*>(ptr);

// advance
ObjIterator& operator++(int){ ptr+= objsize; return *this; }

// and other ++, --(int), --, +=, -=, ==, <=, >=... chore.

for(ObjIterator it= ( a begin() function) ; it != ( a end() function); it++)
it->b[2] = 2;

I would however test

1. if this is much slower than

for(i=5; i<... ; i+=objsize)
ab = 2;

With everything inline, they hopefully have similar performance.

2. if STL algorithms work as expected. I mean, if

ObjIterator it = ab.begin();
copy( it, it+3, destination)

will copy 3 blocks of data correctly.

About other replies:

I read something about flyweight pattern. It is a wonderful idea but
does not fit in my case since my objects have identities even orders.
Also, accessing an object through a key and a map container might be
very slow.

It seems that I am approaching a good solution. Thanks!

John Harrison

This indeed partially works. It would be better if myobj has the correct
size. I.e. myobj++ can work as expected.

So, how about the following code?

class ObjIterator{
unsigned char * ptr;
size_t objsize;
// return FakeObject * for *ObjIterator
FakeObject* operator * (){
return reinterpret_cast<FakeObject*>(ptr);

I think it should be this

FakeObject* operator->(){
return reinterpret_cast<FakeObject*>(ptr);
FakeObject& operator*(){
return *reinterpret_cast<FakeObject*>(ptr);

otherwise you get some ugly syntax when you use your iterator

(*i)->b[2] = 2;

instead of

i->b[2] = 2;
(*i).b[2] = 2;

// advance
ObjIterator& operator++(int){ ptr+= objsize; return *this; }

// and other ++, --(int), --, +=, -=, ==, <=, >=... chore.

for(ObjIterator it= ( a begin() function) ; it != ( a end() function);
it->b[2] = 2;

I would however test

1. if this is much slower than

for(i=5; i<... ; i+=objsize)
ab = 2;

With everything inline, they hopefully have similar performance.

2. if STL algorithms work as expected. I mean, if

ObjIterator it = ab.begin();
copy( it, it+3, destination)

will copy 3 blocks of data correctly.

No, I don't think that will work. You have to make some compromises


Bo Peng

John said:
No, I don't think that will work. You have to make some compromises

I checked the implementation of copy, it uses something like
maybe I can create a correct copy constructor and/or operator= for

// global, size of object
int objsize;

class FakeObj{
int a;
int b[1];

FakeObj& operator=(FakeObj& rhs){
a = rhs.a;
memcpy(b, rhs.b, objsize);
return *this;

FakeObj(FakeObj& rhs){
a = rhs.a;
memcpy(b, rhs.b, objsize);

Again, no check for grammar.

Things are getting more and more complicated but this is no more work
than the copy constructor of Obj if we use unsigned char * and
new/delete. Anyway, fake is fake. FakeObject might still fail in some
way. :-(


John Harrison

John said:
No, I don't think that will work. You have to make some compromises

I checked the implementation of copy, it uses something like
maybe I can create a correct copy constructor and/or operator= for

// global, size of object
int objsize;

class FakeObj{
int a;
int b[1];

FakeObj& operator=(FakeObj& rhs){
a = rhs.a;
memcpy(b, rhs.b, objsize);
return *this;

FakeObj(FakeObj& rhs){
a = rhs.a;
memcpy(b, rhs.b, objsize);

Again, no check for grammar.

Things are getting more and more complicated but this is no more work
than the copy constructor of Obj if we use unsigned char * and
new/delete. Anyway, fake is fake. FakeObject might still fail in some
way. :-(


That looks OK, but now the compromise is the global variable (and the fact
that we've left standard C++ far behind).


Bo Peng

John said:
That looks OK, but now the compromise is the global variable (and the
fact that we've left standard C++ far behind).

Yeap. I am not happy about this either. All these non-standard things
will make understanding of my code a nightmare to others... So,
motivated by Loki's SmallObjectAllocator, the idea is now:

1. objects do use a pointer

struct obj{
int a;
unsigned char * b;

2. do not use the usual new unsigned char [8]. Rather, use
new(address) unsigned char[8] where address point to a big chunk of
memory of size 8 * number_of_objects. For example:

struct Pool{
vector<unsigned char> data;
int cur; // current unused.

vecrot<unsigned char>::iterator begin(){
return data.begin();

vecrot<unsigned char>::iterator end(){
return data.end();

Pool(size_t size):data(size),cur(0){};

unsigned char * malloc(int blocksize){
int tmp = cur;
cur += blocksize;
return &(data[tmp]);

Pool pool(8*1000);

When allocating an object:

b = pool.malloc(8);

or something like:

unsigned char * ptr = pool.malloc(8);
b = new(ptr) unsigned char[8];

3. Access the elements in two ways:

for(int i=0; i< 1000; i++)
objects.b[2] = 2;

or directly through Pool

for( vector<unsigned char>::iteator it=pool.begin()+2; it <
pool.end()+2; it+=8)
* it = 2;

The latter should be faster. It is also possible to create slicing
vector out of

This looks like a good tradeoff. The interface is now clean and quick;
there is only one pointer to waste and there is only one new operator to

Potential improvements:
1. use template to generalize the idea to more complex objs.
(boost::pool seems to be complicated for my purpose.)
2. Use Loki's SmallObjectAllocator. His implementation might be better.
3. Integrate SmallObjectAllocator into STL and keep all these behind the

C++ is hard.

Karl Heinz Buchegger

Bo said:
Hi, Mike,

Thanks for your reply. I certainly know all the grammar details and what
I showed was just some kind of psudo-code.

The core of the problem is that I will have a million or so small
objects with some fixed elements and an array.

Get yourself a copy of
Scott Meyers 'Effective C++'

In Item 10 he describes exactly what you seem to be after:
custom versions of operator new and delete.
In short: When new is called, it allocates not a single object but
a whole array of such objects and hands out pointers into the array,
when needed. Only when this pool of objects is used up, the customized
version of new walks through the hassle of system memory management
again by allocating another pool of objects.

Karl Heinz Buchegger

Karl said:
Get yourself a copy of
Scott Meyers 'Effective C++'

In Item 10 he describes exactly what you seem to be after:
custom versions of operator new and delete.
In short: When new is called, it allocates not a single object but
a whole array of such objects and hands out pointers into the array,
when needed. Only when this pool of objects is used up, the customized
version of new walks through the hassle of system memory management
again by allocating another pool of objects.

Sorry. After reading the follo ups, it seems you are
heading for a different thing.

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