Does anyone know of sample code showing how the marching cubes
algorithm may be implimented using Python?
Ref:- http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/polygonise/
I can set up the cubes and test to see if their vertices are inside
the isosurface.
I can produce a resulting "metaball" but definition is poor and some
faces are reversed. (but not in any pattern that I can effectivly
My particular issues are:-
1) Finding the point at which the isosurface cuts the cube being
tested. Using a mid point produces poor results.
2) Getting the resulting triangular faces to all face outwards.
I'd prefer not to get into using VTK or matlab if possible.
algorithm may be implimented using Python?
Ref:- http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/polygonise/
I can set up the cubes and test to see if their vertices are inside
the isosurface.
I can produce a resulting "metaball" but definition is poor and some
faces are reversed. (but not in any pattern that I can effectivly
My particular issues are:-
1) Finding the point at which the isosurface cuts the cube being
tested. Using a mid point produces poor results.
2) Getting the resulting triangular faces to all face outwards.
I'd prefer not to get into using VTK or matlab if possible.