match regex split



OK, I've tried googling, reading many perl books, but some things I
just dont get.

The problem: Parsing a simple backup.log. Below are the lines that I
need to extract. Note the leading space on the 1st line:

Server date/time: 01/03/05 20:05:57 Last access: 01/02/05
Total number of bytes transferred: 27.42 GB
Elapsed processing time: 01:04:07

The script thus far:

while (<LOGFILE>)
if ($_=~/Server date/ || /Total number of bytes/ || /Elapsed
processing time/ || /Elapsed processing time/)
($_=~ s/^\s+//);
print $_;
Preferably I'd like it formatted (printf I suppose) nicely.
I know it's not pretty, what can i say I'm a noob. Any help is VERY

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

MisterX said:
OK, I've tried googling, reading many perl books,

Which books did you read?
but some things I just dont get.

The problem: Parsing a simple backup.log.

I think there is another problem: Your description of what the problem
is is insufficient. A problem description should (at least) include the
program output and how that differs from the expected and/or desired output.
Below are the lines that I
need to extract. Note the leading space on the 1st line:

There is no leading space below (but that may be Google's fault).
Server date/time: 01/03/05 20:05:57 Last access: 01/02/05 20:06:25
Total number of bytes transferred: 27.42 GB
Elapsed processing time: 01:04:07

The script thus far:

while (<LOGFILE>)
if ($_=~/Server date/ || /Total number of bytes/ || /Elapsed
processing time/ || /Elapsed processing time/)
($_=~ s/^\s+//);
print $_;

That script seems to do what you reasonably can expect it to do, i.e. it
prints those three lines.

What would you want it to do?

Michele Dondi

The script thus far:

while (<LOGFILE>)
if ($_=~/Server date/ || /Total number of bytes/ || /Elapsed
processing time/ || /Elapsed processing time/)
($_=~ s/^\s+//);
print $_;

As a side note: (i) it's preferrable to adopt an effective indenting
style, (ii) the whole point of $_ is to be implicit when possible.
Thus your snippet may look like:

while (<LOGFILE>) {
next unless /Server date/ ||
/Total number of bytes/ ||
/Elapsed processing time/ ||
/Elapsed processing time/;


Joe Smith

MisterX said:
Server date/time: 01/03/05 20:05:57 Last access: 01/02/05
Total number of bytes transferred: 27.42 GB
Elapsed processing time: 01:04:07

I prefer to put the parsed pieces into variables, then output
the whole thing when the end-of-log-entry is seen.

while (<>) {
$server_time = $1 if /Server date\/time:\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
$last_access = $1 if /Last access:\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
$gigabytes = $1 if /Total number of bytes transferred:\s*(\S+)/;
print "ST:$server_time LA=$last_access GB=$gigabytes ET=$1\n"
if /Elapsed processing time:\s*(\S+)/;

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