Xeno Campanoli
This may be just one more play where my lack of experience with Ruby is biting
me, but I have had no luck making mechanize go. I'm using version 0.2.3, and
it claims to gem install successfully, but when I try to do a simple script
that just goes:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
agent = WWW::Mechanize.new (and several versions of thingsafterthis,
including blank, don't seem to make
any difference)
and I run that alone and get a LoadError pointing to something called
custom_require.rb, lines 18 and 24, and mechanize line 14. I'd like to make
more headway this weekend if I can, but I can give feedback for the next week
if someone thinks they can help me get something usable soon. Thanks for
any feedback.
Sincerely, Xeno
me, but I have had no luck making mechanize go. I'm using version 0.2.3, and
it claims to gem install successfully, but when I try to do a simple script
that just goes:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
agent = WWW::Mechanize.new (and several versions of thingsafterthis,
including blank, don't seem to make
any difference)
and I run that alone and get a LoadError pointing to something called
custom_require.rb, lines 18 and 24, and mechanize line 14. I'd like to make
more headway this weekend if I can, but I can give feedback for the next week
if someone thinks they can help me get something usable soon. Thanks for
any feedback.
Sincerely, Xeno