Megawidget Syntax (Tix)


Al in Dallas

I'm new to Python*. I am having trouble with the Tix NoteBook
megawidget. When I use a simpler megawidget, such as a ButtonBox, I can
add buttons by invoking

<nameOfButtonBox>.add ('button3', text='Retry')

Unfortunately, with the Notebook, I need access to a subwidget, and all
my attempts have led to error messages. When I try to look up the
megawidget documentation, I can only find example in Tcl, so I'm
confident that if someone explains the syntax of the TixNoteBook
megawidget to me, I should be able to figure it out for all the other
megawidgets on my own. Here's an attempt to add something to the hlist
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\", line 863, in add
return, 'add', entry, *self._options(cnf, kw))
_tkinter.TclError: invalid command name

*I evaluated it many years ago (1996) when the only other choices
seemed to be Perl, Tcl, and VB. Unfortunately, my various employers
chose which scripting language would be used, and none of them ever
chose Python. Oddly, I ended up using all of the others.

Al in Dallas

Al said:
I'm new to Python*. I am having trouble with the Tix NoteBook
megawidget. When I use a simpler megawidget, such as a ButtonBox, I can
add buttons by invoking

<nameOfButtonBox>.add ('button3', text='Retry')

Unfortunately, with the Notebook, I need access to a subwidget, and all
my attempts have led to error messages. When I try to look up the
megawidget documentation, I can only find example in Tcl, so I'm
confident that if someone explains the syntax of the TixNoteBook
megawidget to me, I should be able to figure it out for all the other
megawidgets on my own. Here's an attempt to add something to the hlist

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\", line 863, in add
return, 'add', entry, *self._options(cnf, kw))
_tkinter.TclError: invalid command name

*I evaluated it many years ago (1996) when the only other choices
seemed to be Perl, Tcl, and VB. Unfortunately, my various employers
chose which scripting language would be used, and none of them ever
chose Python. Oddly, I ended up using all of the others.

Well, I've found a partial answer for a slightly less complicated
[<Tix.TixSubWidget instance at 0x00BAB940>, <Tix.TixSubWidget instance
at 0x00BA
BDF0>]{'nbframe': <Tix.TixSubWidget instance at 0x00BABC38>, 'second':
et instance at 0x00BABDF0>, 'first': <Tix.TixSubWidget instance at
I still don't have ListNoteBook widgets sussed, but I'm on the road.

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