I've run into an interesting memory problem. I think I'm running out of
heap space, but I'm not sure....
I'm creating two new arrays like such....
pImage = new UBYTE [nImageSize];
pImageTemp = new UBYTE [nImageSize];
where nImageSize = 262144. new is NOT returning NULL at this point, which
gives me the impression that new succeeded.
After a little error checking, the code goes to the following statement....
for(int tries = 0;tries <10 && fread (pImageTemp, sizeof (UBYTE),
nImageSize, pFile) != nImageSize; tries++)
fclose (pFile);
if (tries == 9)
delete [] pImage;
delete [] pImageTemp;
return 0;
Now given a pFile named "cloak.tga" (which BTW, was opened succesfully),
this code will successfully load "cloak.tga" most of the time. However, at
an arbitrary point ( say the 4th or 5th time I call this code) fread will
fail. Once it fails it enters the above loop to try freading 9 more times.
Once it fails the first time it will ALWAYS fail the next 9 times. At this
point, when
delete [] pImageTemp;
is called, I get the following error message:
HEAP[Bruteball.exe]: Heap block at 070ADB18 modified at 070ADF50
past requested size of 430
So am I running out of Heap space? If so, why isn't new returning NULL?
Anyone have any ideas of how to fix this issue?
heap space, but I'm not sure....
I'm creating two new arrays like such....
pImage = new UBYTE [nImageSize];
pImageTemp = new UBYTE [nImageSize];
where nImageSize = 262144. new is NOT returning NULL at this point, which
gives me the impression that new succeeded.
After a little error checking, the code goes to the following statement....
for(int tries = 0;tries <10 && fread (pImageTemp, sizeof (UBYTE),
nImageSize, pFile) != nImageSize; tries++)
fclose (pFile);
if (tries == 9)
delete [] pImage;
delete [] pImageTemp;
return 0;
Now given a pFile named "cloak.tga" (which BTW, was opened succesfully),
this code will successfully load "cloak.tga" most of the time. However, at
an arbitrary point ( say the 4th or 5th time I call this code) fread will
fail. Once it fails it enters the above loop to try freading 9 more times.
Once it fails the first time it will ALWAYS fail the next 9 times. At this
point, when
delete [] pImageTemp;
is called, I get the following error message:
HEAP[Bruteball.exe]: Heap block at 070ADB18 modified at 070ADF50
past requested size of 430
So am I running out of Heap space? If so, why isn't new returning NULL?
Anyone have any ideas of how to fix this issue?