Menu Control Questions



I have a couple questions as I'm trying to set up my menu.

1. I see that there is a way to set the ImageURL, but is there a way to set
it to repeat itself?

2. My font is white on an image as the background so is there a way to set
the arrows for the submenu's to white as well?

Thanks in advance!

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hello Velvet,

As for the two questions about Menu control, here are some of my
understanding and suggestion:

1. I see that there is a way to set the ImageURL, but is there a way to set
it to repeat itself?
Do you mean the menu item's display image? If so, based on my research,
there is no additional option to custoimze the displaying style of the menu
item image. However, you can consider use the "StaticItemTemplate" and
"DynamicItemTemplate" to provide your own display UI of each menu item.
Thus, you can add <img> or Image control in your item template directly and
provide a custom image which display repeated graphic content.

2. My font is white on an image as the background so is there a way to set
the arrows for the submenu's to white as well?

Do you mean the popout triangle image? If this is the case, you can use the
"StaticPopoutImageUrl" or "DynamicPopoutImageUrl" property to replace the
original image(black triangle image) to your own one.

#Menu.StaticPopOutImageUrl Property

BTW, you can use reflector tool to inspect the System.Web.dll assembly and
you can find the built-in images for Menu control (in the resoruce

Hope this helps some. Please feel free to let me know if you have any other


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead


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1. In my previous JavaScript menu, I created a small 5px width image and
was able to repeat the image horizontally for the background of the menu
item. When I set the ImageURL, it created it once and then the rest of the
menuitem doesn't have a background. I didn't really want to build different
sizes of my image.

2. Yes, the triangle that shows that there are submenu items is black and I
want it to be white. I didn't realize that it was an image. thanks!

I've been having a hard time configuring this silly thing, because the
documentation I've found isn't very explanatory on the details of this
control. I've found very little about using the Web.sitemap. I've sent a
lot adding the menu directly into the control, and template use. I will
continue to look.


Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Thanks for your reply Velvet,

I'm not 100% sure about our original Javascript menu's implementation,
however, I think the repeated image effect is done through a html table
element with background image(and set its background image to repeat). e.g.

#by default background image will repeat horizontally and vertically (if
the size is smaller than the container)

You can also explicitly specify the repeat style, the below one force it to
repeat horizontally only:


Thus, you can put such html table element with background image in your
customized MenuItem Template to display repeated image(without modifying
the original image).

Hope this helps. If you have any other questions on this or anything else
we can help, please feel free to post here.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead

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