Hello Velvet,
As for the two questions about Menu control, here are some of my
understanding and suggestion:
1. I see that there is a way to set the ImageURL, but is there a way to set
it to repeat itself?
Do you mean the menu item's display image? If so, based on my research,
there is no additional option to custoimze the displaying style of the menu
item image. However, you can consider use the "StaticItemTemplate" and
"DynamicItemTemplate" to provide your own display UI of each menu item.
Thus, you can add <img> or Image control in your item template directly and
provide a custom image which display repeated graphic content.
2. My font is white on an image as the background so is there a way to set
the arrows for the submenu's to white as well?
Do you mean the popout triangle image? If this is the case, you can use the
"StaticPopoutImageUrl" or "DynamicPopoutImageUrl" property to replace the
original image(black triangle image) to your own one.
#Menu.StaticPopOutImageUrl Property
BTW, you can use reflector tool to inspect the System.Web.dll assembly and
you can find the built-in images for Menu control (in the resoruce
Hope this helps some. Please feel free to let me know if you have any other
Steven Cheng
Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead
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