It's my (Aureliano) again.
I'm trying to implement something similar to the Java Security Manager
for Ruby. The project is currently in prealpha stage at rubyforge
But Ruby is different from Java because it's much more dinamic. And I
like it because of it!. But it brings some issues regarding code
redefinition. What I'm trying to achieve is a way to run untrusted code
in the ruby interpreter and don't worry about possible damages to the
system. "Will this code erase all my home directory?" (or "format my
harddrive?", if I'm root) is a valid concern. Of course, in Ruby you
can always check the source code just looking at it. But, what if you
have a >100000 lines script that does something interesting but you
don't trust because your archinemesis wrote it? What if you wan't to
use "eval" to run user input code?
I think I'm able to stop direct file accesses but, because of the
dinamicity (does such word exist?) of ruby, malign code (malign as the
Austin Power archinemesis, Dr. Evil) might redefine methods to trick
our good and helpless code to do something evil for the human kind (ok,
I'm exaggerating a little bit here). For instance imagine this:
class Object
def chomp a
# it's really evil.
"a name of a file that if's erased the world will be destroyed"
require "evil" # did I told you the dumb part?
FileUtils.delete(chomp "erase_to_save_the_world.doc")
Well, the world is doomed. But If we were able to stop evil to redefine
chomp, this wouldn't happen. That's why I need a way to selectively
stop method definition/redefinition/removal.
But I'm unable to find a way to implement it in a pure ruby way. Do you
know any? All the good and dumb ruby code in the world will thank you.
Please post back,
thank you very much,