methods with and without !


Jani Monoses


what is the criterion for methods to have a ! terminated variant in the
standard ruby APIs?
For instance in String strip has a receiver-modifying counterpart but
ljust does not.
Is it that the result fits in the same memory? (strip returns a string
at most as long as the original while just can return a much longer one)


Robert Klemme

Jani Monoses said:

what is the criterion for methods to have a ! terminated variant in the
standard ruby APIs?
For instance in String strip has a receiver-modifying counterpart but
ljust does not.
Is it that the result fits in the same memory? (strip returns a string
at most as long as the original while just can return a much longer one)

Normally the rule is that the method modifies the current instance as
opposed to the creation of a new instance (e.g. String#gsub! and
String#gsub). But that convention is not followed consistently in the std
lib. I guess the explanatory text contains "historic reasons" somewhere.

Kind regards


Jani Monoses

Robert said:
Normally the rule is that the method modifies the current instance as
opposed to the creation of a new instance (e.g. String#gsub! and
String#gsub). But that convention is not followed consistently in the std
lib. I guess the explanatory text contains "historic reasons" somewhere.
maybe it was my bad wording ;) I know that ! versions modify in place
(scheme heritage?)
I was asking which methods should have a ! variant along the regular one.
We have sub and sub!, strip and strip! but no String#just! only String#just
Does in-place imply then that no memory allocation will be done and the
result must fit in the calling object?



David A. Black

Hi --

maybe it was my bad wording ;) I know that ! versions modify in place
(scheme heritage?)
I was asking which methods should have a ! variant along the regular one.
We have sub and sub!, strip and strip! but no String#just! only String#just
Does in-place imply then that no memory allocation will be done and the
result must fit in the calling object?


"a".sub!(/a/, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")


Bill Guindon

maybe it was my bad wording ;) I know that ! versions modify in place
(scheme heritage?)
I was asking which methods should have a ! variant along the regular one.
We have sub and sub!, strip and strip! but no String#just! only String#just

It does seem a bit arbitrary.

Personally, I'd like 'modify in place' versions of every method
possible, but some of them would cause type conversions (ie: pack!,
split!, hex!), which might be a bit 'surprising' to some people, so I
could understand not adding those (but I would still want them).

I think the lack of modify methods like ljust!, center!, crypt!,
dump!, etc (where a String is returned), was really just a question of
language style.

Robert Klemme

Bill Guindon said:

It does seem a bit arbitrary.

Personally, I'd like 'modify in place' versions of every method
possible, but some of them would cause type conversions (ie: pack!,
split!, hex!), which might be a bit 'surprising' to some people, so I
could understand not adding those (but I would still want them).

You can't have them, because Ruby instances can't change their class. But
you can always do foo = foo.gsub(/x/, 'u'), i.e., reassign the var to the
result of the conversion.




Normally the rule is that the method modifies the current instance as
opposed to the creation of a new instance (e.g. String#gsub! and
String#gsub). But that convention is not followed consistently in the std
lib. I guess the explanatory text contains "historic reasons" somewhere.

More accurately, ! just means "be careful" -- exit! (no cleanup),
sub! (modifies receiver) ... that sort of thing.

Hal Fulton

Jani said:
maybe it was my bad wording ;) I know that ! versions modify in place
(scheme heritage?)
I was asking which methods should have a ! variant along the regular one.
We have sub and sub!, strip and strip! but no String#just! only String#just
Does in-place imply then that no memory allocation will be done and the
result must fit in the calling object?

Most but not all bang methods modify the receiver in-place. But that is
not the "meaning" of the bang.

The implication of the bang is that the method is more dangerous or more of
a special case. The exit! method, for example, exits without running the
exit handlers.


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