For details, see http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/29/technology/business-computing/29soft.html?ref=technology
Microsoft introduced what it claimed would be a slimmer and more
responsive version of its OS on Tuesday and the brand name Vista will
not be used for it. It will be called Windows 7.
The company also plans to introduce a Web-based version of its Office
programs, which is aimed at heading off a new wave of competitors.
The Windows 7 OS demonstrated is a yet incomplete version not yet at
the beta stage. The company did not have a date for sales of the final
version. Remembering the history of Vista development, I would not be
surprised if it is some time before a final version is for sale.
Microsoft introduced what it claimed would be a slimmer and more
responsive version of its OS on Tuesday and the brand name Vista will
not be used for it. It will be called Windows 7.
The company also plans to introduce a Web-based version of its Office
programs, which is aimed at heading off a new wave of competitors.
The Windows 7 OS demonstrated is a yet incomplete version not yet at
the beta stage. The company did not have a date for sales of the final
version. Remembering the history of Vista development, I would not be
surprised if it is some time before a final version is for sale.