Alex Banks
Greetings gang,
I've streamed video before using Realplayer and Internet Explorer
(http://www.cheemu.com/malta.html). Here, I use <param name="src"
value="/mydir/myvideo.ram"> in the object tag, and IE is clever enough to
work out that the ram extension means use Realplayer. Everything works fine.
Now I am building a site where I need to store the video file in a database
(for a content management system). To get the video from the database I use
a script that collects it and then generates a http response. <param
name="src" value="/mydir/myscript.pl?videonumber=19">. There is no helpful
..ram (or .rm, .rv etc) extension this time for IE to work out the file type
because I use a script. So I try using a variety of MIME types in the header
of the response generated from my script to help it to work out the file
Content-type: audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
I've tried all the following MIME type - the first one just plays the audio
for the clip, but the others stop and try and download an update from
realnetworks because they don't recognise the format.
I know the basic format of "use param tag to call script, get media from
database, generate response" should work, because I've done it for streaming
flash files -
http://www.cheemu.com/cgi-bin/sound.pl?key=1&action=form&soundkey=2 (please
excuse the awful jingle...).
Has anyone had experience of this problem, or can someone suggest a few
different MIME types to try?
Muchos gracias,
I've streamed video before using Realplayer and Internet Explorer
(http://www.cheemu.com/malta.html). Here, I use <param name="src"
value="/mydir/myvideo.ram"> in the object tag, and IE is clever enough to
work out that the ram extension means use Realplayer. Everything works fine.
Now I am building a site where I need to store the video file in a database
(for a content management system). To get the video from the database I use
a script that collects it and then generates a http response. <param
name="src" value="/mydir/myscript.pl?videonumber=19">. There is no helpful
..ram (or .rm, .rv etc) extension this time for IE to work out the file type
because I use a script. So I try using a variety of MIME types in the header
of the response generated from my script to help it to work out the file
Content-type: audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
I've tried all the following MIME type - the first one just plays the audio
for the clip, but the others stop and try and download an update from
realnetworks because they don't recognise the format.
I know the basic format of "use param tag to call script, get media from
database, generate response" should work, because I've done it for streaming
flash files -
http://www.cheemu.com/cgi-bin/sound.pl?key=1&action=form&soundkey=2 (please
excuse the awful jingle...).
Has anyone had experience of this problem, or can someone suggest a few
different MIME types to try?
Muchos gracias,