Kirk Barden
Using the MS TreeVew WebControl I would like to enforce the following
- node expand/collapse happens purely on the client
- selecing a node fires an event in the server ASP.NET
As it stands right now, if I enable AutoPostBack, it posts back to the
server for every stinking event. If I disable AutoPostBack, I receive NO
events, not even the SelectedIndexChange event.
Anyone else have any success with this?
Next step is to start digging in the Javascript, I guess.
Thanks in advance!
Kirk Barden
Group replies only, please.
Using the MS TreeVew WebControl I would like to enforce the following
- node expand/collapse happens purely on the client
- selecing a node fires an event in the server ASP.NET
As it stands right now, if I enable AutoPostBack, it posts back to the
server for every stinking event. If I disable AutoPostBack, I receive NO
events, not even the SelectedIndexChange event.
Anyone else have any success with this?
Next step is to start digging in the Javascript, I guess.
Thanks in advance!
Kirk Barden
Group replies only, please.