Hi all
I have this xml file (generated from Lotus Domino 6) and would like to
transform it to a simpler one by extracting only data between the gif
tag (I cut the gif data to reduce the file here);
I wrote an xls to do it to transform the xml file.
What am I doing wrong ? because what I get is all the data in the xml
file instead of my expected output file ((
Need your help
Ndeye, a new "xslter"
*my xml input file :
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE document (View Source for full doctype...)>
- <document xmlns="http://www.lotus.com/dxl" version="6.5"
replicaid="C1256DC700510DFF" form="Person" response="false"
+ <noteinfo noteid="356e" unid="60C4C68E08994352C1256E00003026AB"
+ <updatedby>
+ <item name="full_name" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
- <item name="Picture" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
- <richtext>
- <pardef id="1" leftmargin="1%" rightmargin="99%" keeptogether="true"
align="left" linespacing="1" spacebefore="1" spaceafter="1"
newpage="false" list="none" readingorder="lefttoright">
- <code event="hidewhen">
<formula>(!@IsDocBeingEdited &
NoPhotoThanks="NoPhoto")|(@IsDocBeingEdited & isweb)</formula>
- <par def="1">
- <picture width="182px" height="136px" align="baseline">
<par />
+ <item name="jobdescrip_me" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
+ <item name="Phone_Me" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
+ <item name="EMail_me" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
+ <item name="ShowHasPic" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
+ <item name="$Revisions" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
*my xsl input file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xslutput method="xml" version="1.0" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates select="gif"/>
<xsl:template match="gif">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
*my expected xml ouput :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTf-8"?>
I have this xml file (generated from Lotus Domino 6) and would like to
transform it to a simpler one by extracting only data between the gif
tag (I cut the gif data to reduce the file here);
I wrote an xls to do it to transform the xml file.
What am I doing wrong ? because what I get is all the data in the xml
file instead of my expected output file ((
Need your help
Ndeye, a new "xslter"
*my xml input file :
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE document (View Source for full doctype...)>
- <document xmlns="http://www.lotus.com/dxl" version="6.5"
replicaid="C1256DC700510DFF" form="Person" response="false"
+ <noteinfo noteid="356e" unid="60C4C68E08994352C1256E00003026AB"
+ <updatedby>
+ <item name="full_name" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
- <item name="Picture" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
- <richtext>
- <pardef id="1" leftmargin="1%" rightmargin="99%" keeptogether="true"
align="left" linespacing="1" spacebefore="1" spaceafter="1"
newpage="false" list="none" readingorder="lefttoright">
- <code event="hidewhen">
<formula>(!@IsDocBeingEdited &
NoPhotoThanks="NoPhoto")|(@IsDocBeingEdited & isweb)</formula>
- <par def="1">
- <picture width="182px" height="136px" align="baseline">
<par />
+ <item name="jobdescrip_me" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
+ <item name="Phone_Me" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
+ <item name="EMail_me" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
+ <item name="ShowHasPic" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
+ <item name="$Revisions" sign="false" seal="false" sealed="false"
authors="false" names="false" readers="false" placeholder="false">
*my xsl input file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xslutput method="xml" version="1.0" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates select="gif"/>
<xsl:template match="gif">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
*my expected xml ouput :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTf-8"?>