Can anybody tell me how to instantiate a verilog netlist + annotate module
(defparam) in a VHDL testbench?
I have created a simple testcase:
-- VHDL TestBench instantiating Verilog Module
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity tb is
end tb;
architecture arch of tb is
component test
end component;
uut: test;
end arch;
-- Verilog Module and Annotate Module
module test;
wire w;
block b1 ();
module block;
parameter p=1;
module annotate;
defparam test.b1.p=2; // works for Verilog only
//defparam tb.uut.test.b1.p=2; //fails
//defparam /tb/uut.test.b1.p=2; //fails
//defparam /tb/uut/test.b1.p=2; //fails
If I just load the verilog module it works fine (using Modelsim):
vlog test.v
vsim -c test annotate
examine sim:/test/b1/p -> p=2!
Instantiating the Verilog test module in a VHDL testbench is no problem,
however, how to update the parameter 'p'?
If I use:
vlog test.v
vcom tb.vhd
vsim -c tb annotate
I get: * Error: (vsim-3043) test.v(12): Unresolved reference to 'test' in
I then tried several defparam permutations all without any luck. If you take
out the annotate module the simulation runs fine but with p=1.
I suspect that you can not reference a parameter through a VHDL entity but I
just want to make sure that is the case,
Can anybody tell me how to instantiate a verilog netlist + annotate module
(defparam) in a VHDL testbench?
I have created a simple testcase:
-- VHDL TestBench instantiating Verilog Module
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity tb is
end tb;
architecture arch of tb is
component test
end component;
uut: test;
end arch;
-- Verilog Module and Annotate Module
module test;
wire w;
block b1 ();
module block;
parameter p=1;
module annotate;
defparam test.b1.p=2; // works for Verilog only
//defparam tb.uut.test.b1.p=2; //fails
//defparam /tb/uut.test.b1.p=2; //fails
//defparam /tb/uut/test.b1.p=2; //fails
If I just load the verilog module it works fine (using Modelsim):
vlog test.v
vsim -c test annotate
examine sim:/test/b1/p -> p=2!
Instantiating the Verilog test module in a VHDL testbench is no problem,
however, how to update the parameter 'p'?
If I use:
vlog test.v
vcom tb.vhd
vsim -c tb annotate
I get: * Error: (vsim-3043) test.v(12): Unresolved reference to 'test' in
I then tried several defparam permutations all without any luck. If you take
out the annotate module the simulation runs fine but with p=1.
I suspect that you can not reference a parameter through a VHDL entity but I
just want to make sure that is the case,