Sean Durkin
Hi *,
it's taken me two days to find the problem here, and now I'm not sure if
what I'm observing is intended by the language or a ModelSim bug. Maybe
one of the gurus here can shed some light on this...
I was trying to do something simple (see code snippet below):
- Create a package file containing a bunch of procedures to simplify
signal generation in testbenches. The signals that should be updated in
the testbench are passed to the procedures as "signal" type parameters
- Create a testbench in a separate file that makes use of that package
and calls the procedures with the corresponding signals as parameters
Now what I did is compile the package file as VHDL-2002, and the
testbench file as VHDL-2008 (using "vcom -2002"/"vcom -2008", respectively).
When I run simulation, the signals that should be driven by the
procedures in the package are NOT updated. If I use VHDL-2008 for both
files, or VHDL-2002 for both files, or VHDL-2008 for the package and
VHDL-2002 for the testbench, everything works fine.
Is this a bug in Modelsim (I'm using 10.1b), or is this behaviour to be
expected because of some language change in VHDL-2008 that I'm not aware of?
Here's sample code I used to reproduce the problem:
First, the package file:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-- package declaration
package testcase_pack is
procedure drive_sig (signal sig_to_drive : out std_logic;
value : in std_logic);
end package testcase_pack;
-- package body
package body testcase_pack is
-- procedure that drives a signal
procedure drive_sig (signal sig_to_drive : out std_logic;
value : in std_logic) is
sig_to_drive <= value;
end procedure drive_sig;
end package body testcase_pack;
Now, the testbench file:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.testcase_pack.all;
-- entity
entity testcase is
end entity testcase;
-- architecture
architecture behave of testcase is
signal signal_to_drive : std_logic;
-- process that calls the procedure twice
call_proc: process is
wait for 1 us;
drive_sig(signal_to_drive, '1');
wait for 1 us;
drive_sig(signal_to_drive, '0');
wait for 1 us;
assert (false) report "Simulation completed" severity failure;
end process call_proc;
end architecture behave;
it's taken me two days to find the problem here, and now I'm not sure if
what I'm observing is intended by the language or a ModelSim bug. Maybe
one of the gurus here can shed some light on this...
I was trying to do something simple (see code snippet below):
- Create a package file containing a bunch of procedures to simplify
signal generation in testbenches. The signals that should be updated in
the testbench are passed to the procedures as "signal" type parameters
- Create a testbench in a separate file that makes use of that package
and calls the procedures with the corresponding signals as parameters
Now what I did is compile the package file as VHDL-2002, and the
testbench file as VHDL-2008 (using "vcom -2002"/"vcom -2008", respectively).
When I run simulation, the signals that should be driven by the
procedures in the package are NOT updated. If I use VHDL-2008 for both
files, or VHDL-2002 for both files, or VHDL-2008 for the package and
VHDL-2002 for the testbench, everything works fine.
Is this a bug in Modelsim (I'm using 10.1b), or is this behaviour to be
expected because of some language change in VHDL-2008 that I'm not aware of?
Here's sample code I used to reproduce the problem:
First, the package file:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-- package declaration
package testcase_pack is
procedure drive_sig (signal sig_to_drive : out std_logic;
value : in std_logic);
end package testcase_pack;
-- package body
package body testcase_pack is
-- procedure that drives a signal
procedure drive_sig (signal sig_to_drive : out std_logic;
value : in std_logic) is
sig_to_drive <= value;
end procedure drive_sig;
end package body testcase_pack;
Now, the testbench file:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.testcase_pack.all;
-- entity
entity testcase is
end entity testcase;
-- architecture
architecture behave of testcase is
signal signal_to_drive : std_logic;
-- process that calls the procedure twice
call_proc: process is
wait for 1 us;
drive_sig(signal_to_drive, '1');
wait for 1 us;
drive_sig(signal_to_drive, '0');
wait for 1 us;
assert (false) report "Simulation completed" severity failure;
end process call_proc;
end architecture behave;