At Wed, 26 Oct 2005 07:42:03 +0900,
Daniel Berger wrote in [ruby-talk:162622]:
Ok, but you can generate a .lib file from a .def, and you can generate
a .def from a .dll. Here's a script I cobbled together that did the
Of course you can, but I don't think it should be done
silently by mkmf.rb. It belongs to setting up of a particular
library, not building an extension for it.
# Create a .def file from the results of a 'link -dump -exports'
Actually, it calls dumpbin.exe.
# Create a .lib file from a .def file. Note that the lib command doesn't
# seem to like long path names, so we'll shorten them.
$ lib -machine:x86 -def:../stable-build/i686-mswin32/msvcrt-ruby18.def -out:../stable-build/i686-mswin32/msvcrt-ruby18.lib
Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 7.10.2240.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library ../stable-build/i686-mswin32/msvcrt-ruby18.lib and object ../stable-build/i686-mswin32/msvcrt-ruby18.exp
It's possible to tweak win32/mkexports.rb to accept DLL files
as well as object files.
Index: win32/mkexports.rb
RCS file: /cvs/ruby/src/ruby/win32/mkexports.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -U2 -p -u -r1.4 mkexports.rb
--- win32/mkexports.rb 18 Jun 2002 10:23:31 -0000 1.4
+++ win32/mkexports.rb 26 Oct 2005 02:19:04 -0000
@@ -4,13 +4,21 @@ SYM = {}
objs = ARGV.collect {|s| s.tr('/', '\\')}
-IO.foreach("|dumpbin -symbols " + objs.join(' ')) do |l|
- next if /^[0-9A-F]+ 0+ UNDEF / =~ l
- next unless l.sub!(/.*\sExternal\s+\|\s+/, '')
- if l.sub!(/^_/, '')
- next if /@.*@/ =~ l || /@[0-9a-f]{16}$/ =~ l
- elsif !l.sub!(/^(\S+) \([^@?\`\']*\)$/, '\1')
- next
+filetype = nil
+IO.foreach("|dumpbin -symbols -exports " + objs.join(' ')) do |l|
+ if (filetype = l[/^File Type: (.+)/, 1])..(/^\f/ =~ l)
+ case filetype
+ when /OBJECT/
+ next if /^[0-9A-F]+ 0+ UNDEF / =~ l
+ next unless l.sub!(/.*\sExternal\s+\|\s+/, '')
+ if l.sub!(/^_/, '')
+ next if /@.*@/ =~ l || /@[0-9a-f]{16}$/ =~ l
+ elsif !l.sub!(/^(\S+) \([^@?\`\']*\)$/, '\1')
+ next
+ end
+ when /DLL/
+ next unless l.sub!(/^\s*\d+\s+[[:xdigit:]]+\s+[[:xdigit:]]+\s+/, '')
+ end
+ SYM[l.strip] = true
- SYM[l.strip] = true