I implemented simple processor (actually simple FSM) -
- Input port: clock, reset, data_in
- Output prot: enable(memory enable), rw(read/write), address, data_out
And consider Memory (Xilinx BRAM) -
- Input port: EN, CLK, DI, RESET, WE, ADDR
- Output port: DO
Then I directly connected the processor with Memory, as follows.
- processor to Memory : enable => EN, rw => we, address => ADDR,
data_out => DI,
- memory to processor : DO => data_in
- clock and reset are all the same
Processor is working fine when the FSM (processor) is written as the
Problem is that it is not working when the 'execution process below' is
rising edge clocked.
If someone has experience on this, let me know....
Thankyou in advance
process(reset,clock) -- state transition process
if reset='1' then
CS<=Init; -- current state
elsif clock'event and clock='1' then -- rising edge
NS<=CS; -- next state
end if;
end process;
case ES is
when Init =>
if a='0' then NS <= READ_MEM1;
end if;
when READ_MEM1 =>
if b='1' then NS <= READ_MEM2;
end if;
end case;
end process;
process (clock) -- execution process
if clock'event and clock='0' then -- falling edge (ok)
-- if clock'event and clock='1' then -- rising edge (NOT ok)
case CS is
end case;
end if;
end process;
I implemented simple processor (actually simple FSM) -
- Input port: clock, reset, data_in
- Output prot: enable(memory enable), rw(read/write), address, data_out
And consider Memory (Xilinx BRAM) -
- Input port: EN, CLK, DI, RESET, WE, ADDR
- Output port: DO
Then I directly connected the processor with Memory, as follows.
- processor to Memory : enable => EN, rw => we, address => ADDR,
data_out => DI,
- memory to processor : DO => data_in
- clock and reset are all the same
Processor is working fine when the FSM (processor) is written as the
Problem is that it is not working when the 'execution process below' is
rising edge clocked.
If someone has experience on this, let me know....
Thankyou in advance
process(reset,clock) -- state transition process
if reset='1' then
CS<=Init; -- current state
elsif clock'event and clock='1' then -- rising edge
NS<=CS; -- next state
end if;
end process;
case ES is
when Init =>
if a='0' then NS <= READ_MEM1;
end if;
when READ_MEM1 =>
if b='1' then NS <= READ_MEM2;
end if;
end case;
end process;
process (clock) -- execution process
if clock'event and clock='0' then -- falling edge (ok)
-- if clock'event and clock='1' then -- rising edge (NOT ok)
case CS is
end case;
end if;
end process;