Thanks, Pavel!
I had a look through some of the code, and may have been looking in the
wrong places - but I didn't find too many examples of some of the techniques
outlined in Andrei's article. I saw several constructors taking mojo
temporary parameters, but that was about it. What about mojo::fnresult? Does
mojo::constant ever get used?
For the record, the header file for the class that I would like to convert
to using the MoJo conventions is attached below. It has a couple of issues
that I know are frowned upon by C++ gurus, but hopefully not too many. I am
not really sure how many of these functions should stay, and how many should
go. Which assignment operators do I need? Should *everything* that returns a
matrix return a mojo::fnresult<>? I would guess that everything that
currently takes a CComplexMatrixTemp as a parameter would now take a
mojo::temporary<> parameter? I think I need a couple of more clues to be
able to use this technique . . . I am probably going to go ahead and try it,
anyway, but I don't rate my chances too highly at the moment!
Thanks for any help!
// ComplexMatrix.h: interface for the CComplexMatrix class.
#if !defined(__COMPLEXARRAY_H)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CComplexMatrixTemp;
//class CComplexMatrix;
#include "MathCore/include/Matrix.h"
#include <complex>
using namespace std;
class CComplexMatrix : public CMatrix
static registerInFactory<CBase, CComplexMatrix> regClass;
// Data generation
CComplexMatrix & FillWithNoise(NOISE_DISTRIB Distribution, NOISE_SPECT
FTYPE fMean, FTYPE fVariance, size_t nM=0, size_t nN=0);
operator complex<FTYPE>*() const { return m_cfArray; }
CComplexMatrix & operator=(CComplexMatrixTemp another);
CComplexMatrix operator=(const CComplexMatrix &another);
// Element-wise array operators
CComplexMatrixTemp operator+(const CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator+(CComplexMatrixTemp another);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator-(const CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator-(CComplexMatrixTemp another);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator%(const CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator*(const CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator*(CComplexMatrixTemp x);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator%(CComplexMatrixTemp another);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator/(const CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator/(CComplexMatrixTemp another);
CComplexMatrix & operator+=(CComplexMatrixTemp another);
CComplexMatrix & operator+=(const CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrix & operator-=(CComplexMatrixTemp another);
CComplexMatrix & operator-=(const CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrix & operator%=(CComplexMatrixTemp another);
CComplexMatrix & operator%=(const CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrix & operator/=(CComplexMatrixTemp another);
CComplexMatrix & operator/=(const CComplexMatrix &another);
// Operators with scalar arguments
CComplexMatrixTemp operator+(const FTYPE fScalar);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator-(const FTYPE fScalar);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator*(const FTYPE fScalar);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator/(const FTYPE fScalar);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator+(const complex<FTYPE> fScalar);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator-(const complex<FTYPE> fScalar);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator*(const complex<FTYPE> fScalar);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator/(const complex<FTYPE> fScalar);
CComplexMatrix operator+=(const FTYPE fScalar);
CComplexMatrix operator-=(const FTYPE fScalar);
CComplexMatrix operator*=(const FTYPE fScalar);
CComplexMatrix operator/=(const FTYPE fScalar);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator~() const;
complex<FTYPE> operator[](const size_t n) { return m_cfArray[n]; }
// N.B. The () (matrix subscript) operators assume that the first
// element row or column is referenced as item 1, not item 0 as
// is conventional when programming in C. This is to preserve
// easy compatibility with MATLAB syntax.
complex<FTYPE> operator()(const size_t nM, const size_t nN) const;
complex<FTYPE>& operator()(const size_t nM, const size_t nN);
CComplexMatrixTemp operator()(const size_t nM, const cColonType
CComplexMatrixTemp operator()(const cColonType ColonParam, const size_t
CComplexMatrixTemp operator()(const size_t nM);
complex<FTYPE> Min();
complex<FTYPE> Min(size_t &nMinIndex);
complex<FTYPE> Max();
complex<FTYPE> Max(size_t &nMaxIndex);
CComplexMatrix & Swap(CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrix & ScalarMult(const FTYPE fScalar);
FTYPE Norm();
complex<FTYPE> CComplexMatrix:
otConj(const CComplexMatrix &another);
complex<FTYPE> Dot(const CComplexMatrix &another);
CComplexMatrix & AddArray(const complex<FTYPE> fScaleCoef, const
CComplexMatrix &another);
virtual FTYPE MagSum() const;
void Clear();
CComplexMatrix& SetRef(complex<FTYPE> *cfArray, const size_t nM, const
size_t nN,
int nTranspose);
int SetRow(const size_t nRow, const CComplexMatrix &RowVector);
// int SetRow(const size_t nRow, const complex<FTYPE> & z1, ...);
int SetColumn(const size_t nColumn, const CComplexMatrix &ColumnVector);
CComplexMatrix& Set(const complex<FTYPE> * cfArray, const size_t nM, const
size_t nN,
int nTranspose);
CComplexMatrix& Set(const FTYPE * fArray, const size_t nM, const size_t nN,
int nTranspose);
CComplexMatrix& Set(const FTYPE *fRealMatrix, const FTYPE *fImagArray,
const size_t nM, const size_t nN, int nTranspose);
CComplexMatrix& Set(const complex<FTYPE> fX, const complex<FTYPE> fY,
const complex<FTYPE> fZ);
CComplexMatrix& Set(const complex<FTYPE> fX, const complex<FTYPE> fY);
CComplexMatrix& Set(const complex<FTYPE> fX);
CComplexMatrix& Set(const FTYPE fX, const FTYPE fY, const FTYPE fZ);
CComplexMatrix& Set(const FTYPE fX, const FTYPE fY);
CComplexMatrix& Set(const FTYPE fX);
CComplexMatrix& Create(const size_t nM, const size_t nN);
CComplexMatrix(const complex<FTYPE> *cfArray, const size_t nM, const size_t
int nTranspose);
CComplexMatrix(size_t NumRows, size_t NumColumns);
CComplexMatrix(const CComplexMatrix &another); // copy constructor
virtual ~CComplexMatrix();
// Serialization
virtual void XML_WriteHead(ostream &os) const;
virtual void XML_WriteTail(ostream &os) const;
virtual int XML_ReadHead(list<string> &is, list<string>::const_iterator&
virtual int XML_ReadTail(list<string> &is, list<string>::const_iterator&
virtual void XML_SchemaWriteHead(ostream &out) const;
virtual void XML_SchemaWriteTail(ostream &out) const;
virtual string ArrayType() const { return "complex"; }
// friend functions
// friend CComplexMatrixTemp::CComplexMatrixTemp(const CComplexMatrix
friend CComplexMatrixTemp conj(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp ctranspose(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp herm(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp transpose(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp tanh(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp sinh(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp cosh(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp atan(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp asin(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp acos(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp tan(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp sin(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp cos(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp log10(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp ln(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp exp(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp invcbrt(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp cbrt(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp invsqrt(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp sqrt(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp inv(const CComplexMatrix &z);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp pow(const CComplexMatrix &mantissas, const
CComplexMatrix &exponents);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp pow(const CComplexMatrix &mantissas,
CComplexMatrixTemp exponents);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp pow(CComplexMatrixTemp mantissas, const
CComplexMatrix &exponents);
friend complex<FTYPE> mean(const CComplexMatrix &x);
friend FTYPE var(const CComplexMatrix &x);
friend FTYPE norm(const CComplexMatrix &x);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp chol(const CComplexMatrix &z);
// friend operators
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator+(CComplexMatrixTemp lhs, const
CComplexMatrix & another);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator-(CComplexMatrixTemp lhs, const
CComplexMatrix & another);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator%(CComplexMatrixTemp lhs, const
CComplexMatrix & another);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator/(CComplexMatrixTemp lhs, const
CComplexMatrix & another);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator+(FTYPE fScalar, const CComplexMatrix &
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator-(FTYPE fScalar, const CComplexMatrix &
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator*(FTYPE fScalar, const CComplexMatrix &
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator/(FTYPE fScalar, const CComplexMatrix &
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator+(complex<FTYPE> cfScalar, const
CComplexMatrix & realArray);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator-(complex<FTYPE> cfScalar, const
CComplexMatrix & realArray);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator*(complex<FTYPE> cfScalar, const
CComplexMatrix & realArray);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp operator/(complex<FTYPE> cfScalar, const
CComplexMatrix & realArray);
friend CComplexMatrixTemp & pow(CComplexMatrixTemp &mantissas,
CComplexMatrix &exponents);
// Stream I/O
virtual void printOn(std:
stream& os) const;
complex<FTYPE> * m_cfArray;
#endif // !defined(__COMPLEXARRAY_H)