Richard A. DeVenezia
Mozilla (1.4 win2k) doesn't like this
document.write ('<TABLE ID="abc"><TR><TD></TD></TR></TABLE>')
table = document.getElementById ('abc')
alert (table.rows.length)
I see in JS Console, Error: table has no properties
The same message that would appear if I tried to get real non-existant id
table = document.getElementById ('abc-doesnotexist')
alert (table.rows.length)
Any work arounds ( Not in a position to place my own null table in source
HTML ) ?
Should I skip making 1.4 happy and wait for Moz 1.5+ ?
document.write ('<TABLE ID="abc"><TR><TD></TD></TR></TABLE>')
table = document.getElementById ('abc')
alert (table.rows.length)
I see in JS Console, Error: table has no properties
The same message that would appear if I tried to get real non-existant id
table = document.getElementById ('abc-doesnotexist')
alert (table.rows.length)
Any work arounds ( Not in a position to place my own null table in source
HTML ) ?
Should I skip making 1.4 happy and wait for Moz 1.5+ ?