I am using MSAccess 2003 as my DB, ASP page my front end. My access file is
in the temp folder which ahs IUSR_Machine permissions. My asp page works
fine, connects to DB and retrieves what I want. Now, when I open my db file
in Microsoft Access in Exclusive mode my ASP page doest establish a
connection which is correct as exclusive open locks the files and prevents
further connections. Upto here no problem.
Now when I close that opened Microsoft Access instance, my web page resumes
working. If I refresh it, it works. The third time I refresh the page I get
"Unspecified Error". Again if I refresh it works and again if I refresh I
get "Unspecified error" when I debugged it fails at connection open.
Here is my code snippet..
if strConnString <> "" then
objConn.Mode = 3
objConn.ConnectionTimeout = 30
objConn.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
objConn.open strConnString
set oTmpRs.ActiveConnection = objConn
Set oTmpRs = objConn.OpenSchema(4, Array(Empty, Empty,
Set oTmpRs.ActiveConnection = Nothing
set rsColumns = oTmpRs.Clone
set oTmpRs = nothing
end if
set objConn = nothing
Can anybody tell me what's wrong here..what could be the root cause of this
I tried almost all solutions I know and found in search engines..but not yet
solved this issue..
in the temp folder which ahs IUSR_Machine permissions. My asp page works
fine, connects to DB and retrieves what I want. Now, when I open my db file
in Microsoft Access in Exclusive mode my ASP page doest establish a
connection which is correct as exclusive open locks the files and prevents
further connections. Upto here no problem.
Now when I close that opened Microsoft Access instance, my web page resumes
working. If I refresh it, it works. The third time I refresh the page I get
"Unspecified Error". Again if I refresh it works and again if I refresh I
get "Unspecified error" when I debugged it fails at connection open.
Here is my code snippet..
if strConnString <> "" then
objConn.Mode = 3
objConn.ConnectionTimeout = 30
objConn.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
objConn.open strConnString
set oTmpRs.ActiveConnection = objConn
Set oTmpRs = objConn.OpenSchema(4, Array(Empty, Empty,
Set oTmpRs.ActiveConnection = Nothing
set rsColumns = oTmpRs.Clone
set oTmpRs = nothing
end if
set objConn = nothing
Can anybody tell me what's wrong here..what could be the root cause of this
I tried almost all solutions I know and found in search engines..but not yet
solved this issue..