Slawomir Lisznianski
License: Public Domain
URL: http://www.rhapsodia.org
Depends on: Boost, STL
Code maturity: Beta
Target platform: Any with C++ compiler.
C++ compilers verified to work on: GNU g++ 3.2.x,
Visual C++ 6 Service Pack 5
Description: Rhapsodia.Scheduler is a collection of header files
implementing commonly used classes in concurrent C++ programming.
Library mainly consists of implementations of:
- Channel (bounded, unbounded and priority queue),
- Barrier (multi-party synchronization)
- Executor (replacement for direct use of thread creation and
management API).
Your critiques, suggestions or usage questions are much welcomed.
Slawomir Lisznianski
URL: http://www.rhapsodia.org
Depends on: Boost, STL
Code maturity: Beta
Target platform: Any with C++ compiler.
C++ compilers verified to work on: GNU g++ 3.2.x,
Visual C++ 6 Service Pack 5
Description: Rhapsodia.Scheduler is a collection of header files
implementing commonly used classes in concurrent C++ programming.
Library mainly consists of implementations of:
- Channel (bounded, unbounded and priority queue),
- Barrier (multi-party synchronization)
- Executor (replacement for direct use of thread creation and
management API).
Your critiques, suggestions or usage questions are much welcomed.
Slawomir Lisznianski