I wrote a simple program which does simple math loop and I am testing
under dual core processor
intel dual core laptop ; windows xp os
when I spawn of two threads in windows (both under visual c and cygwin
cc) the program behaves as expected.
in single thread mode the time is 2x and clearly one of hte one do of
the processor is being utilized
amd 4200x2 desktop ubuntu hardy 8.04
here actually the single thread gets slightly better performance. in
multi thereaded both the cpu's are 100% utilized. but even in single
threaded both the cpu's are alternatively being used 50/100 %!!
any idea why the linux system (i am assuming the difference is due to
OS) is behaving differently?
here is the simple code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
typedef struct {
pthread_t t;
pthread_attr_t t_atr;
void *(*func) (void *);
void *arg;
long times=200;
static void dest (void *pthv)
genpth_type *pth = (genpth_type *)pthv;
free (pth);
static genpth_type *new (void)
genpth_type *item=0;
item = calloc (1, sizeof (*item));
return item;
static void *testfunc (double *val)
long cnt=2e5;
long k = 0;
long i=0;
for (k=0; k<times; k++)
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
double d = (double)rand();
double x = 0;
x = pow(d, 0.55);
x = exp(x);
x *= 0.8;
x += 3.5;
x = log10(x);
*val = x;
return val;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
genpth_type *t1=0;
genpth_type *t2=0;
double t1d=1;
double t2d=10;
long i =0;
double *val=0;
long status = 0;
pthread_t self;
time_t tt1, tt2;
double dt=0;
time (&tt1);
if(argc > 1)
times *= 2;
testfunc (&t1d);
time (&tt2);
dt = difftime (tt2, tt1);
printf ("\n dt = %lg \n", dt);
t1 = new ();
t1->func = testfunc;
t1->arg = &t1d;
status = pthread_create (&(t1->t), &(t1->t_atr), t1->func, t1-
t2 = new ();
t2->func = testfunc;
t2->arg = &t2d;
status = pthread_create (&(t2->t), &(t2->t_atr), t2->func, t2-
pthread_join (t1->t, 0);
pthread_join (t2->t, 0);
printf ("\n t1d=%lg\n", t1d);
printf ("\n t2d=%lg\n", t2d);
time (&tt2);
dt = difftime (tt2, tt1);
printf ("\n dt = %lg \n", dt);
exit (0);
I wrote a simple program which does simple math loop and I am testing
under dual core processor
intel dual core laptop ; windows xp os
when I spawn of two threads in windows (both under visual c and cygwin
cc) the program behaves as expected.
in single thread mode the time is 2x and clearly one of hte one do of
the processor is being utilized
amd 4200x2 desktop ubuntu hardy 8.04
here actually the single thread gets slightly better performance. in
multi thereaded both the cpu's are 100% utilized. but even in single
threaded both the cpu's are alternatively being used 50/100 %!!
any idea why the linux system (i am assuming the difference is due to
OS) is behaving differently?
here is the simple code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
typedef struct {
pthread_t t;
pthread_attr_t t_atr;
void *(*func) (void *);
void *arg;
long times=200;
static void dest (void *pthv)
genpth_type *pth = (genpth_type *)pthv;
free (pth);
static genpth_type *new (void)
genpth_type *item=0;
item = calloc (1, sizeof (*item));
return item;
static void *testfunc (double *val)
long cnt=2e5;
long k = 0;
long i=0;
for (k=0; k<times; k++)
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
double d = (double)rand();
double x = 0;
x = pow(d, 0.55);
x = exp(x);
x *= 0.8;
x += 3.5;
x = log10(x);
*val = x;
return val;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
genpth_type *t1=0;
genpth_type *t2=0;
double t1d=1;
double t2d=10;
long i =0;
double *val=0;
long status = 0;
pthread_t self;
time_t tt1, tt2;
double dt=0;
time (&tt1);
if(argc > 1)
times *= 2;
testfunc (&t1d);
time (&tt2);
dt = difftime (tt2, tt1);
printf ("\n dt = %lg \n", dt);
t1 = new ();
t1->func = testfunc;
t1->arg = &t1d;
status = pthread_create (&(t1->t), &(t1->t_atr), t1->func, t1-
t2 = new ();
t2->func = testfunc;
t2->arg = &t2d;
status = pthread_create (&(t2->t), &(t2->t_atr), t2->func, t2-
pthread_join (t1->t, 0);
pthread_join (t2->t, 0);
printf ("\n t1d=%lg\n", t1d);
printf ("\n t2d=%lg\n", t2d);
time (&tt2);
dt = difftime (tt2, tt1);
printf ("\n dt = %lg \n", dt);
exit (0);