Jason said:
I have worked with PHP in the past and have been playing with Ruby for a
few weeks. =A0I made a program that I would love to get feedback on. =A0= Any
comments would be great. =A0I have my program on Git hub.
Well, the conversion isn't accurate yet, but using your approach, here's
another way to do it that allows you to easily grow the list of numerals
to be converted:
def convert(b10number)
=A0numerals =A0 =A0 =3D ['M','D','C','L','X','V','I']
=A0values =A0 =A0 =A0 =3D [1000,500,100,50,10,5,1]
=A0implemented =A0 =3D []
=A0conversion =A0 =A0 =3D ""
=A0remainder =A0 =A0 =3D b10number
=A0values.each do |this_value|
=A0 =A0if this_value > 1
=A0 =A0 =A0implemented << remainder/this_value
=A0 =A0 =A0remainder =3D remainder % this_value
=A0 =A0else
=A0 =A0 =A0implemented << remainder
=A0 =A0end
=A0implemented.each_with_index do |this_many, indx|
=A0 =A0conversion +=3D (numerals[indx] * this_many)
=A0puts conversion
puts 'Howdy there, enter a number and I\'ll convert it to the older
Roman Numeral fashion!'
argument =3D gets.chomp.to_i
convert argument