My OPE & the Euclicidean TSP



A little while back I posted for a while on a creative algorithm I
came up with for tracing out a path through nodes, and discussions got
bogged down on the issue of whether or not it solved the TSP, where
the consensus of several members was that it did not. But I have made
a project for the full algorithm at Google Code for coding in java and
while the welcome mat for coders has been put out, I have no
responses, so I have decided to talk more about the algorithm here
with the Euclidean TSP as I realized it'd be simpler to explain.

I will not give the full detailed algorithm here as I wish to simply
explain, but the gist of it is that you have TWO travelers who start
from the same node, every node is connected to every other node, and
the weight is the distance between nodes as it's the Euclidean
Traveling Salesman Problem being considered, and the two travelers
choose nodes such that they stay as physically close together as
possible where they can't choose the same node.

The weird thing in considering that as a solution is wondering how
local choices can have a global impact as playing with any TSP problem
for any length of time can, I'm sure, lead to the belief that the main
issue has to do with unknowns far away from the initial nodes, while
my idea says that local choices from BOTH sides of the path solve the
problem, so to help understand how local solves global, consider two
other travelers not using the algorithm.

To make it easier to imagine let's say the nodes are cities, and you
have two teams, where both teams are couples, and they all start from
the same city, but as they travel through all nodes--say, going
through European cities--they avoid again going to the same city, or
to a city their couple has already visited, but the first couple tries
to stay as close together physically as possible in their choices
while the other couple doesn't care, and makes different choices.

What happens after iteration 1?

Well the first couple has moved from the starting city to two other
different cities, choosing them such that their physical distance
apart is the LEAST possible given all possible city choices, while the
other couple has gone to different cities for some other reason, so
what do we now know?

We know that the second couple is further away from each other as they
traveled FARTHER than the first and MUST eventually make up that
distance, as eventually they come back together, so we already know
that the second couple has already traveled further and will have to
travel still further to make up the distance than the first. It's
like a double whammy. They traveled to more distant cities, and are
farther apart so will have a greater distance to travel in coming back
together down the line.

You may say, but what about the second choice, and the next and the

Well, in each case the first couple remains as close as possible so
the second couple gets further behind, but can actually catch up as
the first couple can kind of bounce off each other if they're
traversing through very close cities until they're forced apart by
running through all of those so they have to get further apart as they
go to unvisited cities, so here is where the other couple can start
catching up.

Eventually each couple comes to a point where they're each at the last
two cities, so they can just pick one at which to meet, or there is
only one city left in the middle and they both move forward to meet
there, and tracing out the two routes you have just two routes along
which you can imagine a SINGLE traveler.

So at the end of the exercise you can collapse out the second traveler
and have a route for a single traveler in each case.

My hope is that pondering that problem and how each local choice leads
to a global result: distance apart, will help understanding of how
this algorithm works, and why it works.

Maybe the simplest thing for those of you who actually play with TSP
problems is to trace out a route for a Euclidean TSP, using two
travelers, where one starts at the end and works back to one starting
from the beginning and working forward and check the distance between
them at any point, versus two travelers using a non-optimal path.

My problem solving methods often involve using additional variables--
more degrees of freedom--which just help with solving the problem but
collapse out from the final solution and here using two travelers
allows a handle to be placed on the optimal path, which handles the
global problem piecewise with local decisions from BOTH ends.

I generalized the full algorithm to handle the TSP in general, where
you may not necessarily have distance information, and then I
generalized to situations where all nodes are not connected to every
other node, and got the full algorithm for what I call the optimal
path engine, or the OPE, which is waiting to be designed and coded.

The project space is optimalpathengine at Google Code. There is also
a newsgroup:

Where you can discuss the idea including criticizing it if you like.
I'll only manage to the extent that I keep out flaming or any other
kind of deliberately disruptive behavior, so if you post there
disagreement with the idea, don't worry I won't get rid of it, though
if you're looking to simply sabotage the project with criticism, no
need to bother as so far nothing is happening anyway, which is why I'm

As a sidenote, for those interested in more in theory, if you look for
paths that are not round trip, so you're going to have a starting
node, and a different ending node, the algorithm behaves rather
interestingly in that if you start and finish at opposite ends then
the algorithm works in reverse in that you have the travelers pick in
a way that maximizes the distance between them, as otherwise they will
take the LONGEST path. Also, you can get the longest path with the
original by having them pick to maximize the distance between them.

Oh yeah, in closing, if this algorithm does work to pick the shortest
path then it proves that P=NP which is worth mentioning because the
solution then explains why "hard" problems are hard as they require
additional degrees of freedom not evident in the final solution e.g.
the second traveler of the algorithm and the distance between the two

These additional degrees of freedom give the range necessary for
solving NP hard problems, but are invisible to people searching for
solutions unless they figure out an angle, so they can work for as
long as they won't and find various techniques that don't provide a
general solution, and yes, I have used additional variables in other
areas and I did go to TSP because I had this insight about this
problem solving approach and the TSP was the natural thing to
consider. The approach I use was born December 1999 out of attempts
at proving Fermat's Last Theorem. I'd exhausted very way I knew of
paying with x^p + y^p = z^p, so I thought to myself, wouldn't it be
neat if I had more degrees of freedom? So I've used the approach now
for over 8 years with amazing successes that are the subject of

Another example of a problem where I used an additional degree of
freedom is my prime counting function, which is worth mentioning again
because of the reception it receives, as in chilly. There I found a
much simpler way to count prime numbers than is currently taught where
I have a P(x,y) function (fully mathematicized, but a P(x,n) in sieve
form), versus the pi(x) function of traditional mathematics.

It has been six years since that innovation. I have little
expectation that a solution proving P=NP would be rapidly picked up--
against the intuition or gut feelings of many of you I'm sure--but
fully expect MASSIVE resistance against the solution without any
objections being given that show the idea is actually flawed!!!
Amazingly enough.

(Consider that I actually had some of my research published in a
mathematical journal once. Readers on the sci.math newsgroup found
out about it, some conspired in posts an email campaign against the
paper. The editors just yanked my paper after that email campaign,
after publication, as it was an electronic journal, so they just left
a gap! They managed one more edition and then the entire math journal
shut-down. Its hosting university, Cameron University, part of the
Oklahoma state university system, removed ALL MENTION of the journal
from its website. That math journal had been around for 9 years. The
mathematical paper published in it over that timeframe might have been
lost except EMIS maintained the archives. Don't believe that amazing
story? See for yourself:

Link to edition that HAD my paper:

An entire mathematical journal died quietly over a controversial paper
accepted from a supposed "crackpot" and the world just kept on going
like nothing happened. No big news story. No intrepid reporters from
ANY of the world's press that bothered to care--even though I tried to
bug them about it!!!

Revolutionary results run into the problem of defense against the

But I could be wrong, so here's this post to see. Obviously if you
study this idea and see viability or prove it (remember you can trace
out actual Euclidean TSP solutions) then you can sign on and help
design and code the OPE. Even if you think I'm right, make no
mistake, it could take YEARS or even decades before the world accepts
the truth as that's how it really works, unlike fantasies some may
have from stories, legends or Hollywood movies. The fantasy world is
not the reality. Reality is a slog through the mud, and massive
resistance against the truth, and lots of people maybe willing to say
really mean things to you for a period of years.

There is no instant on, I like to say. So you can face ridicule, or
mostly being totally ignored for years no matter what you can prove,
or demonstrate even with a program. So only those who can move
forward without that social stuff like approval and accolades need
even consider signing on.

James Harris

Owen Jacobson

A little while back I posted for a while on a creative algorithm I
came up with for tracing out a path through nodes, and discussions got
bogged down on the issue of whether or not it solved the TSP, where
the consensus of several members was that it did not.  But I have made
a project for the full algorithm at Google Code for coding in java and
while the welcome mat for coders has been put out, I have no
responses, so I have decided to talk more about the algorithm here
with the Euclidean TSP as I realized it'd be simpler to explain.


You've opened a project which, if successful, will aggrandize you and
nobody else, and if unsuccessful, will waste everyone involved's
time. It's no surprise you've gotten no responders: for that sort of
work, you need to *pay* people. You'll have better luck with
Rentacoder than with Google Code.

Joshua Cranmer

JSH said:
The weird thing in considering that as a solution is wondering how
local choices can have a global impact as playing with any TSP problem
for any length of time can, I'm sure, lead to the belief that the main
issue has to do with unknowns far away from the initial nodes, while
my idea says that local choices from BOTH sides of the path solve the
problem, so to help understand how local solves global, consider two
other travelers not using the algorithm.

No matter how many levels you look through in local optimization, unless
you look at all the nodes globally, you'll find that a bad choice could
exist just beyond wherever you look.
Eventually each couple comes to a point where they're each at the last
two cities, so they can just pick one at which to meet, or there is
only one city left in the middle and they both move forward to meet
there, and tracing out the two routes you have just two routes along
which you can imagine a SINGLE traveler.

I doubt this will be an optimal path, but I don't have the time right
now to confirm. In any case, the antics of the second couple is still
undefined, AFAICT.


A little while back I posted for a while on a creative algorithm I
came up with for tracing out a path through nodes, and discussions got
bogged down on the issue of whether or not it solved the TSP, where
the consensus of several members was that it did not.  But I have made
a project for the full algorithm at Google Code for coding in java and
while the welcome mat for coders has been put out, I have no
responses, so I have decided to talk more about the algorithm here
with the Euclidean TSP as I realized it'd be simpler to explain.


You've opened a project which, if successful, will aggrandize you and
nobody else, and if unsuccessful, will waste everyone involved's
time.  It's no surprise you've gotten no responders: for that sort of

Well I don't exactly agree with that but if that is someone's
assessment of the situation then I can understand why they'd stay away
from the project.
work, you need to *pay* people.  You'll have better luck with
Rentacoder than with Google Code.

Hey, you may be right. I'm just putting the opportunity out there.

It's up to individuals to make their own decisions, as always, whether
or not to join a particular open source project.

James Harris


No matter how many levels you look through in local optimization, unless
you look at all the nodes globally, you'll find that a bad choice could
exist just beyond wherever you look.

The global decision is limiting the distance between the two

So a bad choice takes them farther away from each other which is
distance that has to be made up as eventually they come together
creating a longer path than optimal.

So the algorithm actually uses a global variable at EACH decision
point, which is a subtle but very important point.

The optimal path engine actually uses GLOBAL information that is
minimized by local choices that chop the problem up from BOTH ends,
which is the deceptively simple leap needed to solve the problem which
also points to how to solve any NP hard problem.
I doubt this will be an optimal path, but I don't have the time right
now to confirm. In any case, the antics of the second couple is still
undefined, AFAICT.

Without following the optimal path algorithm no matter what they do
they will end up having a greater distance to make up in order to get
closer to each other.

Simplest thing I think is to just trace out known Euclidean TSP
solutions with two travelers, where one starts at the end while the
other starts at the beginning and look at how the distance between
them behaves.

Trivially, for ANY optimal path, the total distance they travel in
meeting each other must be the minimum, but the debate then is whether
or not they can make decisions where locally they make a decision that
increases that distance more than another choice would but still get
the minimum path, which intuitively may seem to be possible.

But if that is your intuition then in this case it is wrong.

My guess is that the best way to prove it is in phase space but that
gets to a more complicated discussion.

It is maybe for many a counter-intuitive solution which will be VERY
hard to accept if you've played with the TSP a lot and have an
ingrained belief that local decisions can't be global as well because
of a global variable that is being locally decided upon.

But that's why starting from scratch can be such a useful way to solve

For some of you, un-learning what you think you know about the TSP may
be the hardest thing here, which could actually be somewhat painful if
you've invested a lot of mental energy in learning things that
ultimately turn out to be quite wrong.

Un-learning can take as much time as learning and can be literally
painful, so people avoid it like they avoid pain in general.

James Harris

Patricia Shanahan

JSH said:
A little while back I posted for a while on a creative algorithm I
came up with for tracing out a path through nodes, and discussions got
bogged down on the issue of whether or not it solved the TSP, where
the consensus of several members was that it did not. But I have made
a project for the full algorithm at Google Code for coding in java and
while the welcome mat for coders has been put out, I have no
responses, so I have decided to talk more about the algorithm here
with the Euclidean TSP as I realized it'd be simpler to explain.

I don't see any need for a team project on this. Take a look at

In it, I posted code for a simple test environment for the
java.lang.Math.sqrt approximation to Euclidean TSP. I included a problem
that I thought would result in a suboptimal path in the algorithm as you
had posted it, and a brute force solver. I wrote the program during a
coffee break from my research, no multi-programmer, multi-day project

All you need to do is to make two copies of that program. Keep one with
my brute force solver, and rewrite the solve() method in the other to
use the latest and best version of your algorithm. Try the problem I
gave. Try other problems. See if your algorithm always picks a cycle
with as low a cost, within Java double accuracy, as the one selected by
the brute force algorithm.

Of course, there are more sophisticated and flexible ways of doing this,
but I don't think they are worth the effort until my simple approach has
been used to its limits.

The brute force solver is exponential time, so it will not be usable for
large problems, but it only takes a few seconds for a problem with
twelve nodes, so you should be able to test a good range of small
problems. You can, of course, stretch it to slightly bigger problems by
allowing it to run for a day or two, but it will never be useful for
even moderate size problems.

Let me know if your algorithm works correctly for all the largest, most
difficult problems you can think of that are small enough for the brute
force solver. At that point, I may look at your code and think about new
challenge problems for it.


Joshua Cranmer

Time to put my visualization skills back together with graphs instead of
merely thinking about amorphous inheritance charts...
Well the first couple has moved from the starting city to two other
different cities, choosing them such that their physical distance
apart is the LEAST possible given all possible city choices, while the
other couple has gone to different cities for some other reason, so
what do we now know?

We know that the two travelers are near each other. That's about it.

Let me show you an example of where this fails. This is the weight table:
A - 10 10 5 5 1
B 10 - 1 6 6 4
C 10 1 - 6 6 4
D 5 6 6 - 2 5
E 5 6 6 2 - 5
F 1 4 4 5 5 -

That should be Euclidean.

Start on A. Travelers look for the closest pair of nodes. These are B
and C. So the path has an A->B and an A->C route, costing 20 so far.
Next pair of close nodes: D and E. Since the distance is the same, it
doesn't matter whether the one on B goes to D or vice versa; the extra
cost is 12, to a cumulative of 32. One node left, F, which costs an
extra 10 for both to come to. The total is 42.

There is a shorter path (I'm fairly sure it's the shortest, but I'm not
going to make that claim). Go from A to B (10) to C (total 11) to D (17)
to E (19) to F (24) to A again (25). It is, however, better than the
path your algorithm gives.

Analytically, why does it fail? If you picture a group of nodes, two of
which are far out of the way but extremely close, the shortest tour must
necessarily travel between them so that it pays the travel cost of going
out there only twice instead of four times.

Your previous attempt to resolve a case where you had to visit nodes in
a certain sequence by declaring "try starting at every node" won't work
here again, because I could have an arbitrary number of remote node pairs.

I have a strong intuition that factoring in the distance to get to the
pair as well as their proximity won't work, but to be sure, I'd have to
play around with some graphical utilities. I haven't seen Patricia's
application, but if it had a GUI that allowed you to put nodes in, it
would ease the burden of trying to come up with the edge cases.
We know that the second couple is further away from each other as they
traveled FARTHER than the first and MUST eventually make up that
distance, as eventually they come back together, so we already know
that the second couple has already traveled further and will have to
travel still further to make up the distance than the first. It's
like a double whammy. They traveled to more distant cities, and are
farther apart so will have a greater distance to travel in coming back
together down the line.

Another easy graphical example: imagine a circle, and at several points,
you had pairs of nodes straddling the circle. Your algorithm will have
the travelers moving in pairs around the circle, which means the path is
approximately twice the circumference; the optimal path will go between
the nodes in a zig-zag-like fashion, at approximately the circumference.
My hope is that pondering that problem and how each local choice leads
to a global result: distance apart, will help understanding of how
this algorithm works, and why it works.

I'm tempted to say that this algorithm will perform poorly in real-world
circumstances: when nodes aggregate in clusters, it moves between
clusters in pairs whereas optimal solutions will only travel once
between clusters.

Patricia Shanahan

Joshua Cranmer wrote:
I have a strong intuition that factoring in the distance to get to the
pair as well as their proximity won't work, but to be sure, I'd have to
play around with some graphical utilities. I haven't seen Patricia's
application, but if it had a GUI that allowed you to put nodes in, it
would ease the burden of trying to come up with the edge cases.

No GUI, but the nodes are specified by coordinates, and it calculates
the Euclidean distances from them. That means you can play with any
visualization system from which you can extract coordinates.



Time to put my visualization skills back together with graphs instead of
merely thinking about amorphous inheritance charts...

We know that the two travelers are near each other. That's about it.

Let me show you an example of where this fails. This is the weight table:
    A  B  C  D  E  F
A  - 10 10  5  5  1
B 10  -  1  6  6  4
C 10  1  -  6  6  4
D  5  6  6  -  2  5
E  5  6  6  2  -  5
F  1  4  4  5  5  -

That should be Euclidean.

Why? If A to B is 10 and A to C is 10, then they are on an arc
centered at A, so I see you're not on a grid. But you have A to F at
1, while F to B and F to C is 4.

There is no way on a flat plane that those distances can work.

If you're moving to higher dimensions you should so state, but even
going to a surface in 3-d I don't readily see one that will work, and
I'm not bothering at this point to consider a hyper-space surface
though if you say that is necessary I may.

James Harris



I don't see any need for a team project on this. Take a look at

In it, I posted code for a simple test environment for the
java.lang.Math.sqrt approximation to Euclidean TSP. I included a problem
that I thought would result in a suboptimal path in the algorithm as you
had posted it, and a brute force solver. I wrote the program during a
coffee break from my research, no multi-programmer, multi-day project

Ok, I checked the link and it seems simple enough.

To help see that your intuition is wrong though I suggest you make one
simple addition which should not take you long given the short time
you say the original post took. Not even a full coffee break!

I suggest you output the distance between two travelers with one going
backwards along the path as I've explained previously, at each
decision point for each of your brute force attempts.

That means you will have a graph of step and distance, which is phase
space, for each.
All you need to do is to make two copies of that program. Keep one with
my brute force solver, and rewrite the solve() method in the other to
use the latest and best version of your algorithm. Try the problem I
gave. Try other problems. See if your algorithm always picks a cycle
with as low a cost, within Java double accuracy, as the one selected by
the brute force algorithm.

You're focused on the desired goal while I'm solving the problem in
phase space, which I know GIVES the desired goal, which is kind of

In phase space the minimum path will traverse the minimum separation
between the two travelers at each decision point.

That will give the optimal path which is equivalent to picking the
cycle with the lowest cost in the Euclidean TSP, as the Euclidean
always (thankfully) gives what I call a perfect graph, which means you
can pick any node to start.
Of course, there are more sophisticated and flexible ways of doing this,
but I don't think they are worth the effort until my simple approach has
been used to its limits.

The brute force solver is exponential time, so it will not be usable for
large problems, but it only takes a few seconds for a problem with
twelve nodes, so you should be able to test a good range of small
problems. You can, of course, stretch it to slightly bigger problems by
allowing it to run for a day or two, but it will never be useful for
even moderate size problems.

Let me know if your algorithm works correctly for all the largest, most
difficult problems you can think of that are small enough for the brute
force solver. At that point, I may look at your code and think about new
challenge problems for it.


I believe I have a solution from considering phase space so am not
interested in playing with your code, while I think it might be a
useful exercise for you to add the second traveler to it and see what
happens when you look over the distance between travelers as

My algorithm turns the problem into finding the minimum path through
phase space with only two variables: distance between the two
travelers and decision point.

IN phase space the minimum corresponds with minimizing the distance
between the two travelers at EACH decision point, which is how local
decisions impact a global variable, and in phase space every path maps
to a unique phase space set of decision points and distances between

James Harris

Patricia Shanahan

JSH said:
Ok, I checked the link and it seems simple enough. ....
I suggest you output the distance between two travelers with one going
backwards along the path as I've explained previously, at each
decision point for each of your brute force attempts. ....
I believe I have a solution from considering phase space so am not
interested in playing with your code, while I think it might be a
useful exercise for you to add the second traveler to it and see what
happens when you look over the distance between travelers as

I don't have any travelers at all in my implementation, just a search
through the set of permutations of the nodes starting with a given node.
That makes it hard to add a "second traveler".

In any case, my implementation of solve() is interesting only for
verifying that a claimed solution to a non-trivial problem is actually

Also, note that there are 11!, 39,916,800, Hamiltonian cycles
considering a single start node in my twelve node case. I do prune the
search space whenever the current permutation prefix has a higher cost
than the best Hamiltonian cycle so far, but I would not expect that to
help enough to make decision-by-decision output useful.

The important thing is your Java implementation of your algorithm. All
you need to do is replace my solve() with a method representing it. The
rest of the code is useful for enabling identical problem specifications
for your algorithm and the brute force method.



Why?  If A to B is 10 and A to C is 10, then they are on an arc
centered at A, so I see you're not on a grid.  
James, your stupidity truly is a natural wonder.


I don't have any travelers at all in my implementation, just a search
through the set of permutations of the nodes starting with a given node.
That makes it hard to add a "second traveler".

You just take an outputted path and output the distance between nodes
going from the outside in, for example if the path is


then you'd output distances between A & F, B & E, and C & D.

If you had


you'd output distances between A & G, B & F, and C & E, as with the
algorithm, either traveler can move to E, so the algorithm exits after
C & E.
In any case, my implementation of solve() is interesting only for
verifying that a claimed solution to a non-trivial problem is actually

Also, note that there are 11!, 39,916,800, Hamiltonian cycles
considering a single start node in my twelve node case. I do prune the
search space whenever the current permutation prefix has a higher cost
than the best Hamiltonian cycle so far, but I would not expect that to
help enough to make decision-by-decision output useful.

That's the intuitive feel, but no other algorithm uses a global
variable because none exists without additional degrees of freedom.

My algorithm unlike others uses local decisions with a GLOBAL
The important thing is your Java implementation of your algorithm. All
you need to do is replace my solve() with a method representing it. The
rest of the code is useful for enabling identical problem specifications
for your algorithm and the brute force method.


You were arguing against the need for a multi-team effort to code my
full optimal path algorithm based on code you stated you wrote on your
coffee break.

I merely noted how you could advance that code a little further to
directly test this approach, and explained why I don't see a need to
do so myself because of a phase space argument.

I've further explained how you can simply do the addition after you
noted you didn't have travelers in your code, where I gave you a
specific example for how you output the desired information, giving
the phase space results.

To me it's about a solution that I can see which is counter-intuitive
to people who have a serious intellectual investment in different
beliefs, like your learned response that local decisions can't matter
globally with the TSP.

I'd gain little by using your code to prove something I feel I already
know by other means, but you'd gain much more by making the addition
to your code to quickly and easily see how your intuition is wrong.

It shouldn't take as long as you took to do the original code, which
you said you did on a coffee break.

James Harris


I'd gain little by using your code to prove
something I feel I already know...

What Patricia is trying to say, in her very modest and polite way,
is that it's obvious to all of us that your algorithm doesn't work.
By using her framework, you can at least input a test case and see
your algorithm produces a lousy solution, and you can then
compare and see the error of your way.
I'd gain little by using your code to prove
something I feel I already know...

On the contrary, you have a lot to gain.
Having a scientific test bench allows you to (potentially) prove that
your algorithm truly works on all the test cases people throw at you.
You will then have great credibility and people will have no choice
but to take you very seriously.

You're either delusional (and truly believe that you alone knows how
to solve NP problem in P time), or you subconsciously are trying to
facing your own stupidity and thus you push away all the people trying
to help you.


What Patricia is trying to say, in her very modest and polite way,
is that it's obvious to all of us that your algorithm doesn't work.
By using her framework, you can at least input a test case and see
your algorithm produces a lousy solution, and you can then
compare and see the error of your way.

All of us? So you speak for every member of the entire group

That is a sign of delusional thinking on your part.

And I disagree with you. Disproof by counter to your assertion.
On the contrary, you have a lot to gain.
Having a scientific test bench allows you to (potentially) prove that
your algorithm truly works on all the test cases people throw at you.
You will then have great credibility and people will have no choice
but to take you very seriously.

Nope. In my experience people simply ignore such data to hold on to
their own view, or look around to see if someone else will do
something, which I know from my prime counting function.

It's better to get people to do things themselves or they tend to walk
away from painful results, like information that forces them to
discount knowledge they previously worked hard to attain.
You're either delusional (and truly believe that you alone knows how
to solve NP problem in P time), or you subconsciously are trying to
facing your own stupidity and thus you push away all the people trying
to help you.

I'm not pushing anyone away. I'm simply not taking non-optimal paths,
which I know from past experience do not work.

You on the other hand have been rather insulting as well as delusional
in your global statement of agreement from all readers worldwide of
this newsgroup as if you were an uber-mind with access to all.

Are you claiming to be God?

James Harris

Patricia Shanahan

JSH said:
You just take an outputted path and output the distance between nodes
going from the outside in, for example if the path is


then you'd output distances between A & F, B & E, and C & D.

If you had


you'd output distances between A & G, B & F, and C & E, as with the
algorithm, either traveler can move to E, so the algorithm exits after
C & E.

OK, that is doable:

Best Score 32.0000
Best Cycle: A W H G Z F E Y D C X B A
Elapsed time: 3.66239 seconds
Distance A to B = 2.00000
Distance W to X = 2.00000
Distance H to C = 8.00000
Distance G to D = 8.00000
Distance Z to Y = 2.00000
Distance F to E = 2.00000

It seems to be rather sensitive to which node I start at. Here are the
results starting at G, without changing the coordinates of any point:

Best Score 32.0000
Best Cycle: G H W A B X C D Y E F Z G
Elapsed time: 3.87479 seconds
Distance G to Z = 3.00000
Distance H to F = 5.83095
Distance W to E = 5.38516
Distance A to Y = 5.38516
Distance B to D = 5.83095
Distance X to C = 3.00000

What is this supposed to tell me? Looking only at one optimal path makes
it hard to pick out features that are related to being optimal.



OK, that is doable:

Best Score 32.0000
Best Cycle: A W H G Z F E Y D C X B A
Elapsed time: 3.66239 seconds
Distance A to B = 2.00000
Distance W to X = 2.00000
Distance H to C = 8.00000
Distance G to D = 8.00000
Distance Z to Y = 2.00000
Distance F to E = 2.00000

It seems to be rather sensitive to which node I start at. Here are the
results starting at G, without changing the coordinates of any point: hypothesis was that with the Euclidean TSP it wouldn't
matter which node was the start...
Best Score 32.0000
Best Cycle: G H W A B X C D Y E F Z G
Elapsed time: 3.87479 seconds
Distance G to Z = 3.00000
Distance H to F = 5.83095
Distance W to E = 5.38516
Distance A to Y = 5.38516
Distance B to D = 5.83095
Distance X to C = 3.00000

What is this supposed to tell me? Looking only at one optimal path makes
it hard to pick out features that are related to being optimal.


Oh, you just compare with any other non-optimal paths. The distances
along an optimal path should be less at each decision point from the
outside in, so like with




you'd compare A & G from the first to B & A from the second and so
forth, and if the first is the optimal path, then at each such
comparison you'd find the distance is shorter.

That's it. It's that simple. If I'm wrong that is not true.

James Harris

Kenny Riodan

JSH said:
All of us? So you speak for every member of the entire group

I certainly did not (and do not) speak for every member of this
It's this kind of logical fallacy that you're exhibiting time and time
in your flawed reasoning.

I meant me and several people who have pointed out
that it has been proven that local optimal prefixes are not
guaranteed to be part of the global optimal solution.
Nope. In my experience people simply ignore such data...

That is not the case here. Each time, you revise your algorithm,
and several people almost immediately produce a counterexample
showing that your algorithm is not optimal.

Several people here produce data.
You're the ony who "simply ignore such data".
You're the one standing against progress.

JSH hypothesis was that with the Euclidean TSP it wouldn't
matter which node was the start...

Oh, you just compare with any other non-optimal paths.  The distances
along an optimal path should be less at each decision point from the
outside in, so like with




Sorry. That's wrong.

You have to have the same starting node, so a better example would be:



you'd compare A & G from the first to B & A from the second and so
forth, and if the first is the optimal path, then at each such
comparison you'd find the distance is shorter.

And that's wrong as well. You'd add all the distances together and
get the average, and compare averages between different paths.

Sorry but I made a quick reply before, without thinking it all through
carefully and realized later I was wrong.
That's it.  It's that simple.  If I'm wrong that is not true.

Um, sorry about changing criteria midstream but this research is all

I'm figuring things out as I go along.

Main change is to compare apples to apples versus apples to oranges as
with the original criteria you could have the same optimal path with
different starting points along it and get a contradiction.

James Harris

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