Need a C++ compiler


Nikhil Bokare

I wanted a C++ compiler which would follow the ANSI C++ standards.
If you could tell me an IDE also, it would be more helpful.

John Harrison

Nikhil said:
I wanted a C++ compiler which would follow the ANSI C++ standards.
If you could tell me an IDE also, it would be more helpful.

Visual C++ 2005, Express edition. Free download from Microsoft. Good
support for ANSI C++, moderately good IDE (IMHO).


Nikhil Bokare

I believe G++ (the GNU C++ compiler), which is available freely, might
be a good choice; it is the "standard" on GNU/Linux and nearly all other
Linux-systems, AFAIK.

For windows, it is available as MinGW or cygwin, try Google for that ones.


I do have GCC with me. But I use Windows platform and (it may feel a
bit stupid but) I am not getting how to use the GCC.
It was .tar file which was freely avaiable.


Nikhil Bokare said:
I wanted a C++ compiler which would follow the ANSI C++ standards.
If you could tell me an IDE also, it would be more helpful.

You have not said in what OS You want to use the compiler and IDE. The
following are for Windows but work on a Linux version of Openwatcom is being
done (according to the site).

Openwatcom has an IDE and I presume it follows ANSI C++ standards. Also
Visual C++ Express edition can be downloaded for free from M$-site nowadays.


Gennaro Prota

I wanted a C++ compiler which would follow the ANSI C++ standards.
If you could tell me an IDE also, it would be more helpful.

Please, read the FAQ. In particular, see
<> and the entry
"Which newsgroup should I post my questions?". Note that almost
everyone will say their compiler is conforming (and you can see an
example here in this thread) but almost none is.

James Kanze

I believe G++ (the GNU C++ compiler), which is available freely, might
be a good choice; it is the "standard" on GNU/Linux and nearly all other
Linux-systems, AFAIK.

He asked for a compiler which followed the ISO C++ standards, so
I'm afraid G++ doesn't qualify; there are still important parts
of the standard (e.g. export) which it doesn't implement.

Other than that, of course, it's a pretty good compiler, and
about the only one I could recommend without knowing the target
platform. Since it's the only one that's available on just
about every platform.:)

James Kanze

Please, read the FAQ. In particular, see
<> and the entry
"Which newsgroup should I post my questions?". Note that almost
everyone will say their compiler is conforming (and you can see an
example here in this thread) but almost none is.

In the strictest sense, none are, because even in the best,
there will almost certainly be a bug or two which affects
conformance. The sad fact, however, is that almost none even
try---Comeau is a major exception.

I just noticed that he didn't say "free", unlike most postings
of this type. So the answer is clear: Comeau
( Not only is it conforming,
but Comeau with the Dinkumware library is probably the best
compiler around in terms of overall quality as well.
Regretfully, the packaging is not up to the same level as the
rest, or wasn't when I tried it, so installing it is enough of a
chore to put off beginners. But that's about the end of the bad
news. Because it is a quality compiler, it has a lot of
options, and because it treats its users honestly, it doesn't
try to pretend that you can use it without understanding them.
And while not free, the price is extremely reasonable.

But the original poster didn't say why he wanted the compiler,
so it is impossible to say what he really needs. If his goal is
more or less to have something that works out of the box, to
play around with and start learning C++, without having to
attack all of the issues involved in producing professional code
in one go, then he likely doesn't need the features missing in
VC++ or g++, and while totally useless in a professional
environment, VC++ and the Visual Studios environment will get
him going easier and faster than having to learn a real editor,
how to write shell scripts and make files, and all the rest.
(If he wants to do professional development, he'll have to learn
these things sooner or later, since using them effectively makes
you a much more effective programmer. But you don't have to
learn everything at once, and there's no harm in starting with
something less powerful, but easier to get started with.)

Gennaro Prota

In the strictest sense, none are, because even in the best,
there will almost certainly be a bug or two which affects

Indeed. In fact, in the initial writing the last occurrence of the
word "almost" was in parentheses. But then I felt I was being a little
too "hasty" (I know of many EDG bugs, for instance, but they
definitely try and be the most meticulous and professional standard
trackers one can think of --the only part they seem to neglect a bit,
last time I checked, is preprocessing)

And while not free, the price is extremely reasonable.

I think I can say without fear of being considered "party" that it is
plain low :)

Daniel Kraft

Nikhil said:
I wanted a C++ compiler which would follow the ANSI C++ standards.
If you could tell me an IDE also, it would be more helpful.

I believe G++ (the GNU C++ compiler), which is available freely, might
be a good choice; it is the "standard" on GNU/Linux and nearly all other
Linux-systems, AFAIK.

For windows, it is available as MinGW or cygwin, try Google for that ones.



Nikhil Bokare said:
I do have GCC with me. But I use Windows platform and (it may feel a
bit stupid but) I am not getting how to use the GCC.
It was .tar file which was freely avaiable.

The easiest way to get GCC(MinGW) on windows is to install 'Dev-C++':

Dev-C++ IDE:

After installation, you can point other IDEs to the GCC(MinGW) compiler
(/bin) or point the 'Dev-C++' IDE to other compilers.

See below my sig for other IDEs ( 'Code::Blocks' is said to be THE new
up-n-comer.) for docs (be sure to get the ones for your GCC version).

Bob R
- -
Quincy IDE 2005 DL URL:
MinGW (GNU compiler):

Roland Pibinger


Does it actually follow the ISO standard? I thought that the
EDG front end was the only one which did to date. And in
earlier discussions, you indicated that it didn't support
export, so it doesn't follow the standards any more than, say,
g++ or the free version of VC++.

Hardly. I tried it and it didn't compile even simple programs that
compile without much ado with current g++ and VC++ versions. I guess
Mr. Bright is more interested in a programming language that is not

Walter Bright

James said:
Does it actually follow the ISO standard? I thought that the
EDG front end was the only one which did to date. And in
earlier discussions, you indicated that it didn't support
export, so it doesn't follow the standards any more than, say,
g++ or the free version of VC++.

DMC++ does not implement export.

Walter Bright

Roland said:
I tried it and it didn't compile even simple programs that
compile without much ado with current g++ and VC++ versions.

If you've got a bug report, please report it. You can either email them
to me, or post them in the Digital Mars C++ forums.

Gennaro Prota

Not yet, sorry. BTW, nothing in boost is simple.

I don't know, but the example I provided was more than elementary (and
dynamic_bitset<> is no rocket science either, really).

Walter Bright

Gennaro said:
I don't know, but the example I provided was more than elementary (and
dynamic_bitset<> is no rocket science either, really).

Over 99% of bugs turn out to be reproducible in 10 lines or less.
Whether that makes them elementary or not is debatable - C++ is an
incredibly complicated language. Simple appearing problems can have very
many subtle ramifications.

In the case of that particular problem, the workaround is simple - just
use the same identifier for the type name.


Hardly. I tried it and it didn't compile even simple programs that
compile without much ado with current g++ and VC++ versions. I guess
Mr. Bright is more interested in a programming language that is not

There seems to be some cheap knocking going on here. First producing a
viable C++ compiler is a formidable achievement. Second in Walter
Brights case this work has fed into producing a language offspring of C
++ .. D. Having tried out D, overall I don't see any advantage over C+
+, however I believe that D does have one significant feature which C+
+ could learn a lot from, which is the approch to metaprogramming. I
have done a fair bit of metaprogramming in C++. Metaprogramming is a
great way to construct powerful types. In C++ you can achieve pretty
much what you want, but there are two problems.

First you need to know an awful lot about the C++ language to get
things working. The obvious effect of this is that C++
mertaprogramming is seen as for experts only, which is a shame as
metaprogramming is a beautiful technique which many less experienced
programmers would find rewarding if it was less complicated.

The other problem is that, because the techniques of metaprogramming
in C++ are basically based on hacks, there is a large cost in compile-
time. Once you create simple types using metaprogramming you find that
these can be used in theory to construct more complex types, but there
is a practical limit both in compile time and in compiler resources
which puts a cap on what you can do in practise.

In D metaprogramming has been designed in as part of the language. It
is much simpler to use and also compiles fast. I believe that Daveed
Vandevoorde has been working on a separate metaprogramming language
for C++. It is a shame that the two sides cant get together and try to
look at getting a C++ compiler with these extensions together in a
similar way that the ConceptGCC compiler has been used to test and
prove the Concept ideas.

Andy Little

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