Hello Dominick,
Thanks for the clarification. Also, I am just wondering if you can
help me with what I am planning to work on few pages in my application
who can view/access based on the roles.
Suppose I have 10 .aspx pages
Now a user who has a Admin role can access all the pages (1 thru
10.aspx pages)
a User who has Manager can only access say 4,5,6,7.aspx pages and also
some portion of the remaining web pages that Admin has access to but
not the entire page.
a User who has just has User access can only access 8,9,10.aspx pages
and also some parts (portion of the webform) of the remainings pages. I
mean based on what he can see he should have access some parts of the 1
thru 10.aspx pages but full access to the 8,9,10.aspx pages.
Could you please help me here how do I design this? My idea is to
create Admin, Manager, User folders seperatley and allow access based
on who logged in. And put the pages that each role has access to in
these folders.
But I don't know how to provide access to the portion of the web pages
to be allowed to be accessed by the Manager / User to certain pages as
I described above.
Can you help me with this?