I have a problem that many c++ programmer's must have encountered some
time in the past. This is my problem: I am writing a program using a
large and complicated library. I have all the sources-- but when I am
using a particular method or function or member of a class, I don't
know where it really came from, from which file or which class,
especially those classes that have overwrittable or virtual functions
or members or methods. I'm working in linux environment, so all I have
are a large set of header files without nice IDE class viewer. While I
am still learning to use this particular library, I need to know when I
use a particular function that where it came from, from which file, so
that I may at least look at that file and learning about it. The
library is fair big--> so if I tried to recompile it and make some
changes to it in order to figure out what functions exactly I'm using,
is not an option.
So far, I've try to use gcc's preprocessor options to no avail: "gcc -E
-P -H"
Also, I look at gcc's special compiler attributes, but find nothing
Please help. Thanks.
I have a problem that many c++ programmer's must have encountered some
time in the past. This is my problem: I am writing a program using a
large and complicated library. I have all the sources-- but when I am
using a particular method or function or member of a class, I don't
know where it really came from, from which file or which class,
especially those classes that have overwrittable or virtual functions
or members or methods. I'm working in linux environment, so all I have
are a large set of header files without nice IDE class viewer. While I
am still learning to use this particular library, I need to know when I
use a particular function that where it came from, from which file, so
that I may at least look at that file and learning about it. The
library is fair big--> so if I tried to recompile it and make some
changes to it in order to figure out what functions exactly I'm using,
is not an option.
So far, I've try to use gcc's preprocessor options to no avail: "gcc -E
-P -H"
Also, I look at gcc's special compiler attributes, but find nothing
Please help. Thanks.