OK, I'm trying to figure out how to use the ODE solver
(scipy.integrate.ode.ode). Here's what I'm doing (in iPython)
y0 = [0,1,1]
dt = 0.01
tEnd = 12
t0 = 0
Y = zeros([tEnd/dt, 3])
As an aside, I've used this assignment for Y in the past and it
worked. When I tried it this morning I got a TypeError and a message
saying I needed to use an integer. So, instead...
Y = zeros([int(tEnd/dt), 3])
T = zero([int(tEnd/dt)])
index = 0
def foo(t,y):
dy = zeros([3])
dy[0] = y[1]*y[2]
dy[1] = -y[0]*y[2]
dy[2] = -0.51*y[0]*y[1]
return dy
r = ode(foo).set_integrator('vode').set_initial_value(y0,t0)
while r.successful() and r.t < tEnd:
Y[index] = r.y
T[index] = r.t
index += 1
As a further aside, this system of three coupled linear ODE's is from
an example in MATLAB's documentation on their function ode45, so I
know what I 'should' get. The while loop and call to ode is adapted
from scipy's (very limited) documentation on scipy.integrate.ode.ode.
At the end of this while loop I've gotten a few different results
depending on what I have no idea. This morning another TypeError
exception was thrown, saying:
TypeError: Array can not be safely cast to required type.
Although, to be fair this is after the output from one iteration:
array([0.01, 1. , 1. ])
So, clearly this isn't working right. Does anyone have any experience
using this function or anything they can contribute?
OK, I'm trying to figure out how to use the ODE solver
(scipy.integrate.ode.ode). Here's what I'm doing (in iPython)
y0 = [0,1,1]
dt = 0.01
tEnd = 12
t0 = 0
Y = zeros([tEnd/dt, 3])
As an aside, I've used this assignment for Y in the past and it
worked. When I tried it this morning I got a TypeError and a message
saying I needed to use an integer. So, instead...
Y = zeros([int(tEnd/dt), 3])
T = zero([int(tEnd/dt)])
index = 0
def foo(t,y):
dy = zeros([3])
dy[0] = y[1]*y[2]
dy[1] = -y[0]*y[2]
dy[2] = -0.51*y[0]*y[1]
return dy
r = ode(foo).set_integrator('vode').set_initial_value(y0,t0)
while r.successful() and r.t < tEnd:
Y[index] = r.y
T[index] = r.t
index += 1
As a further aside, this system of three coupled linear ODE's is from
an example in MATLAB's documentation on their function ode45, so I
know what I 'should' get. The while loop and call to ode is adapted
from scipy's (very limited) documentation on scipy.integrate.ode.ode.
At the end of this while loop I've gotten a few different results
depending on what I have no idea. This morning another TypeError
exception was thrown, saying:
TypeError: Array can not be safely cast to required type.
Although, to be fair this is after the output from one iteration:
array([0.01, 1. , 1. ])
So, clearly this isn't working right. Does anyone have any experience
using this function or anything they can contribute?