need help!!



Hi, I'm new to this group. I would like to learn the C language. Can
someone please suggest some good e-books or tutorials to start with??


Hi, I'm new to this group. I would like to learn the C language. Can
someone please suggest some good e-books or tutorials to start with??

The best book I know of is not available as an e-book.

Frankly, I haven't seen anything for e-books or tutorials that I'd feel
comfortable recommending. The best book I'm aware of for learning C is
Kim King's "C Programming: A Modern Approach". (Full disclosure: I did
technical review on the 2nd edition. However, that's because I was such
an enthusiastic fan of the 1st edition...) Another well-liked book is
Kernighan & Ritchie, "The C Programming Language". King's book is probably
better if you're a newbie, K&R is written with some assumption that you
can already program some.


Keith Thompson

Owner said:
I recommend

The C Programming Language
Brian W Kernighan
Dennis M. Ritchie

online version of the book

Can't find link now though, but it was there

I don't believe there's a *legal* online version of the book.

Andrew Poelstra

The style in that tutorial is fairly old-fashioned.
which isn't even a legal declaration anymore, and
ptr = &(variable);
which is an interesting use of parentheses that I've never
seen before.

Plus he discusses the representation of pointers as they
pertain to (I believe) MS-DOS, which is both amusing and

Compared to most online tutorials, that one looks excellent,
but I'd still be hesitant to recommend it to a newbie.

Having said that, if the OP is following this group, he
could "learn" C from pretty much anywhere and he'll end
up okay.

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